- a picnic-

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-8 years later-

Len's pov

"C'mon children! We were in the park with haru & haruka in the field of grass and laid a blanket over the grass and sat down while watching our children play.

"They look very adorable together don't you think?"

I asked and look over to y/n. She was still beautiful as always wearing her f/c summer dress with brown sandals and wearing a f/c flower with her hair.

"Yes they do." Y/n smiled as haru and haruka play tag in the open field.

"Okay guys its time to eat!" Y/n called them and ran to us and sat down.

"Whats for lunch mommy?"

Haru asked. He was wearing a t-shirt and some blue shorts with some black Skechers.

"Sandwiches and some fresh fruit"

"Yay!" Haruka chanted."

She was wearing a nice pink summer dress with some flip-flops.

We began to make our sandwiches and some fruit.

-time skip after eating-

Y/n put away the blanket and holded Haru's and my hand. I holded Haruka's hand and walk home.

Y/n's pov

We arrive to our house. And tuck in me and len's kids good night since it was getting late.

"You still have your lovely looks my dear y/n~"

I giggled while i take off my sandals.

"And you are handsome as always len~" i kissed him on the cheek.

I wore one of lens shirts and my spandex and got ready for bed.

"Hey honey~ want to have some sexy time?~" he smirked as he raised a eyebrow.

"But what about if the kids hear us?"

"They're sleeping my dear~"

He had a point there.

"Okay then~"

-To be continued-

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