❤Valentine's special❤

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A/n: hey guys! I know it's not valentines day but just pretend it is ^.^ mhahahah....

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Readers pov

I woke up at 9:30am and notice there was a note on my bed-side table. "dear (y/n),

Come downstairs, I got a treat for you~XOXOXOX



P.s : there's no school ^. ^

I got up and Yawn, and gone downstairs.

Lens pov

I saw (y/n) going down the stairs and gave her some flowers and chocolate."Len! These flowers are beautiful and the chocolates! Oh, thank you len! This is so wonderful!" (y/n) hugged me and kissed me on the cheek lots of times."aha, your welcome, you deserve the best after all~" I made her waffles and put some whip-cream with a strawberry. "len, I have something for you too..." she got up and went up stairs."what is she up to?  I thought and smiled.

Readers pov

I got up to my room and got len a huge banana pillow."close your eyes!" and went downstairs."open!" his eyes widen and smiled."yay a new banana for the Army!" I chuckled and smile as I finish my waffles."(y/n), I love you so much....you understand me so much and I couldn't be more happier then to spend my first valentines with you..." I felt so fuzzy inside of my body like it was filled with love. "I love you len this is my best valentines day ever!" I hug him and turned to going back to my room.

"hey y/n where you going? "

"back to bed silly I will never leave you"

"isn't valentines suppose to be sexy?"

"well yeah but not every couple does-"

"then come on..."

"len do we have to have sex all the time?? What if I get pregnant?"

"well that's a simple answer"

He came to me and chuckled.

"I would love to have children with you...but now isn't the time to have them."


"wait did I scared that I didnt use a condom?"

"a little..."

"I'll get some right now if you want to start to use them until your comfortable having children..."


Lens pov

I grab my jacket and some cash."are you going now?" "well I kinda want to have some sexy time so yeah...i won't be gone for long" I kissed her and drove to the drug store and got two boxes of condoms and left.

Readers pov

I was on the couch watching youtube on the TV and searching for Vocaloids music videos and then I heard len opened the door and looked behind on my knees and smirk. "what do you got there..." he chuckle and took his jacket off as long with shirt.


A/n hey guys! Sorry there's a cliff hanger there I just had to don't worry I'll do a part 2 and not be that one person who's inactive and never makes a story ever.(´・ω・')
And also before you go, go follow this awesome person  D-P-G-1  she has good story's (especially len lemons) so please go follow her anyways bai

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