A visitor

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A/n: hey guys! I have some good news spring break is here and I'm going to make a lot of updates as possible!

Lens pov

It was early in the morning And the doorbell rang."what was that!?" "shh, it's only the doorbell my y/n darling."
I went to my room and got my black rope and went downstairs and peeked who was at the door."it can't be...rin? What the hell does she want?!" I open the door with a mad look."what do you want rin? " "well, Luka and Miku kicked me out and-" "and what? You think I'm going to let come back after you did to me at the past? Well sorry but too late. My girlfriend lives with me and treats me with respect and actually loves me I'm sorry rin but you are not going to live with me again..." she froze and began to spill tears."please len! I know what I did was wrong! I change!  please give me a other chance please!" "sorry rin..." I closed the door

Rins pov

I watch len closed the door as he me a cruel look and locked the door I fell on my knees and cried."this is all of your fault y/n....you are going to wish you never messed with me..."

Lens pov

I went back to bed and notice y/n was very cold."are you cold y/n?" "No...who was at the door?" "rin..." "what did she want?" "something that's never going to happen ever again..." "oh...." she blew her warm breath into her hands and cross her arms to make them warm."y/n, please wear my rope..." "it's fine..." "y/n I'm going to make you warm if you like it or not." I picked her up and gave her my rope and hugged her."thank you len..."

Readers pov

It was morning already and len was sleeping in and woke up and made order some breakfast and wash the dishes. "hey honey I see your washing the dishes." I turned to my right and saw len almost naked. "len put some clothes on..." "I know you like it...." "finnnne" I heard a doorbell and got my orders and put them on the counter and gave len some food."thanks honey." I got my order of food and ate with len

I love you len x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now