~The wedding day part 1~

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Len's p.o.v

I woke up and I saw y/n sleeping I couldn't help but brush her shiny h/c hair through my fingers after 10 seconds I saw her eyes open and lock to my icy blue eyes. "good morning my wife~, how was your sleep?" she giggle and lean forward to give me a light kiss on the cheek. "it was good, thank you for asking my husband..." she up the bed and yawn and turned over face fowards me smiling."when's the wedding??"  "it's at 4:00am at a big field. We will have our friends, food, photo booth, flowers and so much more! And then after that, we'll have a party!" I got up and rush into to my room and went to closet and pick up my hunger hanging my black tuxedo that I was going to wear. I look at the time, 11:00am and I came back to y/n and she she got her wedding dress but, her dress was in a box. Not a hanger I walk up to y/n and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "I love you y/n." "I love you too len, so is Miku is going to drive me to the party?" I realized of how it will go and nodded.", yes Kaito will get me at the same time your getting pick up which would be 1:00pm, then I'll see you when you walk up the aisle... " I saw her blushing and smiled."alright well I'm going to the shower... " I gave her a kiss on the lips and then she went to the bathroom as I started to daydream about our wedding.

Y/n's pov

I headed to the bathroom and got undressed and wash my hair twice. I got out of the shower and blow dry my hair then style to a perfect bun then got my vale.

 I got out of the shower and blow dry my hair then style to a perfect bun then got my vale

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After that, I got my wedding dress and my white flowers and heard a car."that must be them." len said and came to my room and saw my dress."wow y/n... Your so beautiful...the dress the shoes...your hair..." I blush and smiled. "well You look handsome len..." we got down stairs and got outside. Kaito took len. Miku took me. I waved to len, and he waved at me. I close the door and Miku look behind looking at me smiling.Her dress was a pale blue knee height, her hair was in a braided bun, she look very pretty."so y/n,  what did len think of your dress?" she giggld as I blush. "he loved it.. " "I told ya he would like it!" we high-fived then Miku turned to the front and drived where Kaito went, since we were going to the same place. " so y/n where are you getting married exactly?" Miku ask, as we went to a stoplight. "it's going to be a park. But I don't know what it's called..." The light went green as Miku push her foot on the gas pedal. And drived to the park.

(time skip)

When we arrived, we saw our closefriends.Kaito,Luka,Meiko,Gumi and Neru. There were white balloons, outlining the aisle.it was so beautiful.

There was table with alot of gifts, there was a other table on the other side but with food and punch

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There was table with alot of gifts, there was a other table on the other side but with food and punch. We found a parking spot and miku open the door for me and help me get up. We walk and saw len talking to kaito."hey y/n look, len is blushing hard..." i giggle and waved at me with my other hand holding flowers. He walk towards me as miku left and wink and me and smiled, and left as len came up to me."hello y/n...you look studding! I cant even explain how beautiful you look! our ceremony will start in 5 minutes..." i giggled as miku came up to us."hey guys wanna take a picture?" He smiled at each other and nodded, len put arm around me as miku took our picture. Len kissed my forehead."i think the celemony is starting any minute, you should probably get readly." Len said in a calming way. I nodded and went away. As i walk i saw len walking to the aisle up to the entrance. He looked nervous, kaito was right by him as miku was on the other side, since she was my bridesmaid. I smiled as i put my vale over my face and got readly.

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