Soon you'll be mine...

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Readers pov

"len it's time to wake up..." I shook his shoulders until he woke up."okay I'm awake" he got up and glance at me then smiled."good morning my love." "good morning." I got up and started to get ready for school and went downstairs to get my bag and waited for len."ugh, I didnt get that much sleep last night..." len walk downstairs and some toast."come on len we're going to be late!" "fine, fine I'm coming right now." we walked out of the door and began walking to school, holding hands.

(time skip)

Lens Pov

We arrive at out school and notice rin was waiting for us. "hello len! Is this your girlfriend? Y/n isn't it? It's nice to meet you I'm rin kagamine."
'how did she know y/n's  name!?' I thought to myself as  in stock."heh well um I think school is starting so um bye." "len are you okay you don't look so well may I take you to the nurses office?" then she tried to touch my cheek but pulled her hand away."No im fine okay? Can I just have sometime with y/n..." "oh course big brother! Also y/n we should hang out more!" "You just met her! You don't know her at all yet!" "oh I know a lot of things len-kun..." y/n wasn't saying anything until she left."len I'm scared..." "don't worry I'll protect you. I know how she acts and tries to get things her way..."

Rins pov

I walked away from len and y/n and went against a wall where no one was i smiled and laugh uncontrollably laugh.'so far my plan is working...i can't wait until I can be with my darling len again I just need to get rid of y/n then, me and len will live together and be together forever...' I enter the school and act like nothing happen....

(end of the day)

Lens pov

I was with y/n to get her papers in her bag when suddenly I get a text message from rin.

Rin: hello!~

Len:what do you want?

Rin: tell me big brother...why would you leave me?

Len: you know why...i don't have time with you right now so can you please leave me and y/n alone...

Rin: no fair! You can't just have y/n all to your self!

Len: now I can...bye rin...

I block her phone number and remove her from my contacts."len is something wrong?" "No...its just rin keeps bothering me and I don't want to see her anymore..." y/n close her locker and hold my hand."what ever happen to you two? Why do you hate her so much?" "I'll tell you when we get home..." "okay...i love you..." we began to walk to our house.

(time skip to len's house)

I open the door and put my jacket on the hanger and me and y/n shoes on the cubbie, while y/n puts her bag on the couch. "so tell me...what happen between you and rin? I sat down the couch."fine I'll tell you..."

I love you len x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now