what now?!

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Lens pov

I woke up and saw y/n still sleeping with her hair still alittle wet from the pool. I kissed her gentally on the forehead and got off my bed to get some clothes on and go downstairs for a while and went to the kitchen and ate a banana and heard a load scream. "LENNNNNN!"

i rush upstairs to my room and saw y/n crying. "WHAT HAPPEN!?" "MY WATER BROKE LEN!!" i hurry to the phone and called 911. I called them and explain what just happened. I heard the ambulance anf Carried y/n down stairs. I could feel the sweat from her head. The doctors took her away and i came with the backside of the vehicle. They handed me some gloves so i could help.

Y/n's pov

The vehicle drive its way while i was giving birth i saw one doctor a nurse and len. I was in pain from below. "Your almost there!" I cried in pain. len hold my hand as i squeeze his hand. Then i pushed out my child. "Its a healthy girl! Wait twins!?" Then i went to the same process again until my other child came . "Its a boy!" Len cried tears of joy and hugged me and hold one our baby's. We arivved to the hospital and gave me a room to stay.

After a while, me and len were holding our children. "This one look just like you len..." i said wiping my sweat. " well, this one looks like you also...." so len... what should we name our babys?" He smiled and kissed me the forehead. "Wow y/n you did a good job..." i giggled as we watch Our children were sleeping gracefully like angles as len put them both in their own cribs. I got up and was in a wheelchair since i couldn't move my legs and sign out with our baby's and drived home.

(Time skip to house)

Me and Len came back to our beach house and went inside. We put them in a crib and let them sleep. I got into bed and rest for awhile while len watch the children sleep.

Lens pov

'THERE SO CUTE!' I thought to myself. They smiled when ever i played with their hands and pet their head. I saw y/n get up with her white robe on. "Len they need their rest..." y/n whisper. "Aww but y/n their so cute! I want to play with them..." i made a pouty face. "Come on len..." she turn and went back to bed i kissed and tuck our kids in goodnight and went to the bedroom. I yawn as i get into bed and looked at y/n. "Man, am im lucky to have a beautiful wife like you y/n..." she blush and smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "Good night len..."


Hey guys so give me a name to named your children and your name that you choose might be used for the next chapter and youll get a shout out if you are pick :)

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