after wedding (lemon)

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Y/n pov

When we were in the limo, happy what happen today the limo. We were heading back to our house."so y/n do you know our honeymoon is at?" He look at me smiling. "What is it! Len please tell me!!" I sad cheerfully  while shacking his arm playfully."its....Hawaii!" I smiled  and squeeze him tight."oh my god! I love Hawaii!! When are we're going??" He grab my hands and slid them to make our Our fingers intertwine and chucked."tomorrow..." i smiled as we arrived to our house.

We rushed to the door and went inside and took off all of our wedding clothes and put them away in a big gray container and put it in lens closet so it wouldn't get ruin. I rush into my room anf got some spandex on and a tank-top. 'man those high heels were killing me!' I though. I was exhausted and could not wait to go to bed because im going to need it.

Len's pov

I put my wedding clothes with y/n dress and our shoes we wore. We both went out rooms and change. I got in my room and change to my baggy shorts and a banana shirt. Then i enter to her room. I wall up to her and shut the door and nibble on her skin.

"Oh y/n..." i whisper in her ear trying to be seductive voice then she turned around. "Oh no len. We have a trip tomorrow and we need our rest." I gave her my puppy dog eyes. "But y/n! We never did it in forever! Plus we got married and i want to end it off sexy!" She thought about it and sign. "Okay len but only because our flight is 8 hours and 28 minutes and because i love you..." i smirk at her while i grab her waist and move it lower until my hand touch her ass.(well that was weird to write XD)

"" hearing her moans just wanted me to do more! I started to suck on her sweet spot on her neck. I made i push her into her bed. She put her hands around her neck behind  and removed her clothes, but i did't want her boobs this time. I wanted something else. "Y/n i know you want this short and quick so i'll just give you a Breck but when when we arrive to hawaii..." she blush and smiled all at the same time. i took a comdom out of my pocket and put it on then took off my pants off and position myself and went in.

"Mhmm...len...." she was a moaning mess. She put her arms around my shoulders and told me to go faster and faster. "LEN!" "Y/N!" I cum inside of the comdom and took it off and tuck in y/n. "Night y/n..." she scoot right by to me and hug me. "Night len cant wait to go to Hawaii!" I chucked and turned around to see her face. "Me too..." then i fell asleep

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