Chapter 6: Rules

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CHAPTER 6: Rules


I was still thinking about Nick when I came into my room. Those blue eyes of his that seems to shimmer and that dazzling smile... the look on his face when he sees me...

I entered the room humming a song I must have heard somewhere and danced slightly on my tippy toes as I landed on my bed, headfirst. Oh, Ari...

"You look like you just came out of a mental facility." Ro says on the other end of the room. His messy dark brown hair was in it's usual state and his eyes, averted. As usual.

I sat up and crossed my legs on my bed. "Oh, shut up." I told him in a kidding tone. "It's just that..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence when a giggle interrupted from my mouth.

"Ew, your acting so girly." Ro kids and threw his blanket at me.

I pulled the blue cotton off my face and laughed. "As if you haven't been in love before." I told him and I regretted it once I said it. Ro's face had turned serious and this time he was looking at me in the eye.

His eyes turned cold as he looked away. "You don't know anything about me."

"Geez, Ro, I'm sorry." I apologized, taking off my chef's hat and placing it on the nightstand. "I didn't really mean to upset you, I just..."

"You know, we were never able to discuss about rules." Ro interrupts, changing the subject. "Since we're both living in the same room and all."

"Fine!" I say. "Name your terms."

"No, and I mean, NO boyfriends allowed inside." Ro conditions and I scrunched up my face. "Like Nick."

"Nick and I just met yesterday!" I defended. "He's just a friend."

"He soon won't be."

"What is wrong with you? Ugh."

I do have a small crush on Nick but I never viewed him as anymore deeper than a friend. Nick is Nick and I enjoy his company. Everyone does. Who am I to blame?

"Or that Nathan guy." Ro points out.

I gave a loud groan of frustration. "Nathan just so happens to be in our group, Rowan." I chided. "Plus, he's not my type."

"He seems to like you." Ro stated and I shook my head at him.

"Friendly. Nathan is friendly."

"Then what about that guy in your picture?"

This time I laughed and forgot most of my problems with this stubborn guy. I took the picture of me and David from my nightstand and showed it to him.

"See those eyes?" I asked, pointing to the picture. "Their similar right? That's because he's my BROTHER."

Ro turned red from embarassment. "How should I know that?" he spluttered.

"You could've asked me genius!" I continued laughing which made Ro turn redder and redder. It was kind of cute in a way. "Why are you so against boys coming here anyway? It's not like I'm even interested in dating. Love stuff is not my thing."

"I just want some peace and quiet." Ro explains. "Having two lovers in front of me doing mushy stuff is disgusting."

"I find it disgusting too. I don't do those kind of things Ro. I'm not the girl you think I am. The no boyfriend rule also applies to you right? I mean no girlfriend rule."

"I'm not interested in having a relationship currently so I guess that's a deal. Second rule, no touching my stuff."

"I should be the one saying that to you." I scoffed.

"Why would I be touching your stuff?" Ro demands.

I glanced at my closet and turned back to him with my arms crossed. "Your a guy so I figured you would... you know..."

"What? I'm not that kind of guy who peeks into girl's closets." Rowan defends, his face scrunched up like mine. " Besides, that is definetley not cool."

"Oh... it's just that I figured you would..." I say surprised. At least he respects women.

He shook his head and I relaxed. "I will never touch your things without permission." Ro promises erneastly. "Even if I wanted to, I was not raised to intrude on a lady's privacy."

Even if Ro was a stubborn, cold and weird, he was a complete gentleman. Although he may be lacking in "how to be friendly to ladies" department.

"Can I add one more rule?" I ask, this time seriously.

Ro nods for me to continue.

"You know, as roommates, we should know each other better." I suggest. "Lannie, she told me about her roommates and she acts as if they've known each other for life but on the other hand, between both of us, we're like complete strangers."

"You--" Ro starts but I don't let him finish.

"And please, don't call me You." I beg. "Call me Ari, like the rest of Cinnamon lodge."

Ro was silent as I looked at him with pleading eyes. Puppy-dog-eyes mode Ari, this always works.

"I want us to open up to each other and cook together." I say. "I want us to be friends, Rowan Colave."

Rowan and I were doing a staring contest but he broke off and sighed. "All right." he gives in.

My mood brightened up and I gave a loud "YES!" before throwing back the blanket at Ro's face. I laughed since he was thrown off-guard. When he pulled it off, I saw that smile. That certain smile you only give when you want to. It was the first time I saw it as if it were something special. Ro doesn't just give smiles away. He smiles at Lannie because he was amazed with her baking, he smiles at Nick with admiration for his family business, he smiles at me for my goofiness. It was not like Nick's warm smile that made my heart run, it was different. It was something I couldn't explain. It was Ro's smile, and one I would like to see again.

(Hi, Lucille! Hi Rom! Hi El!)

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