Chapter 13: The Act

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Chapter 13: The Act


Ten minutes has passed since I got out of that dark and stuffy place. After twenty minutes of hopless yelling, i decided to shut up. No one can hear me. So I sat there in the darkness, feeling so alone and scared. I felt as if the walls were starting to close up on me as every minute passed. Imagine, the relief when the door opened.

 Ro and Lannie, as it turns out have been looking for me the whole lunch time. When I shot out of that door like some wild animal being released from it's cage, I didn't look at where I was going. It was just that, I found myself wrapped protectively by the arms of Ro. I wished I could stop shaking but I couldn't. I was too scared. But Ro's words calmed me immediatley. Just as he did back at that silent old library in Rhinebeck.

"Shhh... It's okay now. I'm here now. I'm here..." 

With him saying those words and being in his arms. Everything just felt right.

However, there were some things to worry about now.

There were seven of us in the president's office. Mrs Briggs who was mumbling non-stop about how low it was to lock someone up in order to miss the exams. Annie and Jenny who both had their heads bent down, crying softly. Lannie who gave the two a look of pity and anger. Ro who was sitting on his seat, silently and Bethany, who gave me a cold hard glare from across where I was sitting.

I looked away and decided to become as silent as Ro.

"Bethany Keillon!" Mrs. Briggs almost shrieked as she said her name. "You of all people?! Why would you tell Ms. Mapps and Ms. Avril to do such a thing?"

Bethany looked at her with a calm face. Her tone though was more of annoyed than scared. "Mrs. Briggs, I am very confused as to why I am also in this office. I did no such thing and I certainly think it's stupid of you to believe these two liars." Bethany gestured to the two girls.

Mrs. Briggs turned red. "You do not speak to your teacher in that manner-"

"I could speak to you in any manner that I want." Bethany interjected. "Accusing me of doing this without solid proof. Your only this distressed because Ariana is your favourite."

"I am calling your grandfather-"

The door opened and everyone hushed.

Then, for the first time... Bethany's eyes were filled with fear.

"There is no need for that, Mrs. Briggs." The man who came in was a respected person both in and out of CIA. He wore a suit that looked quite expensive. He was around his middle sixties and had a snow white beard to match his hair. I only met him once when he judged my dishes in a contest. My prize was this scholarship.

He stepped inside the office and stood beside the distressed teacher.

"My apologies, Mr. Keillon." Mrs. Briggs held her voice down, clearly surprised by the president's visit. "I didn't expect you to be coming in today. The head of dicipiline is currently absent so I'm the one who has to find the truth in this problem."

"Mrs Briggs, aren't you supposed to be preparing for your practical exams?" Mr. Keillon asked in a formal manner. "Why don't you let me handle this?"

Mrs. Briggs looked reluctant but then decided to give in. She briefed the president on what happened carefully and as she talked, Mr. Keillon stared at his granddaughter questionly and nodded a quick thanks before she left.

When Mrs. Briggs was gone, the tension in the room doubled, no maybe even tripled in size as Mr. Keillon stood where everyone can see him.

"So... I heard you girls locked Ms. Starr inside the pantry?" Mr. Keillon's voice became quite serious as he faced Annie and Jenny who both whimpered in fear. I even felt slightly sorry for them. To be questioned and looked down upon the president is not really somecthing I'd enjoy too. 

When there was no answer but mere sniffling and sobs, Mr Keillon gave a tired sigh and squatted down to face Annie and Jenny for an eye to eye level. He was such a tall person.

It was Annie who first stopped her crying, realizing it was embarassing and wasn't doing her any good. She raised her head and looked towards Bethany who was staring at her coldy, daring her to say a word.

"Annie, dear... what made you do this?" Mr. Keillon said in a gentle voice.

The girl's answer came out in a whisper, "It was Bethany, Mr. Keillon."

"She's LYING!" Bethany shouted, shooting out of her seat.

"Sit down, Bethany." Mr. Keillon instructed with a scolding tone in his voice. "I am asking Annie and not you. Please continue, Annie."

"She... she told me she'd have me out of the school if I won't lock Ariana in the pantry..." Annie was trembling in her seat. "I didn't want to do it, I swear!"

"It's true!" This time it was Jenny's turn to defend herself. "We had no other choice... if we didn't do it, what would our parents think of us? We are already almost failing our grades and Bethany said she could help us pull it up if we make Ariana miss her test."

Bethany froze in her seat, her face pinking and her hands balled into fists.

Mr. Keillon stood up, his back against Bethany.

"Is this true... Bethany?" The way he asked the question made my hair stand on edge. It was as if the question was one that if you answered wrong, it will kill you.

Bethany gave one last death glare at her 'friends' before answering with confidence. "I did not."

"Speak the truth." Her grandfather ordered.

"I told you I did not-"

"The TRUTH, Bethany, the TRUTH!" This time, her grandfather yelled.

Bethany flinched, surprised by her grandfather's outburst. She lowered her head before finally answering. "Yes, it was me."

The words that came out next were so harsh that I even felt sorry for Bethany.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! I tell you, young lady, NO RIGHT to do that to my STUDENT! Do you think you have authority over who get's in or out of this school? NO! I AM THE HEAD OF THIS PROUD SCHOOL AND I WILL NOT HAVE MY GRANDDAUGHTER BLACKMAILING AND LOCKING STUDENTS INSIDE DARK PANTRIES TO MISS EXAMS! That is VERY LOW of you, BETHANY! What made you do this?" Bethany did not answer.

Mr. Keillon had gone very red in the face as anger poured out of his voice, jabbing his finger at his granddaughter every time he spoke. I wanted to stop Mr. Keillon only to find I couldn't find the strength to. I just watched as Bethany's pride was torn apart.

"Now, I see. You have been jealous over Ariana's performance and attention. She DESERVES her scholarship, BETHANY! And MY SCHOOL does not waste pure talent by letting them out of my sight. NOW THAT I KNOW YOU WERE TRYING TO GET RID OF HER... *breathes in* I must perform the proper disciplinary actions. What you did Bethany is bullying and what you need to do is grow up! You will not always have your way, THIS IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE! IF I HAVE TO, THEN I WILL EXPELL THOSE WHO DOES SO... even if it was my own granddaughter."

Lannie gasped and Ro looked shocked too.

Mr. Keillon turned to Annie and Jenny saying, "You two, even if you were under a threat, have done a vile thing too... however, you will be suspended from school for one whole month. Starting tomorrow, I do not want to see you three in the school grounds. Ms. Starr, you and Mr. Colave and Ms. Davis may go back and resume your exams. I will explain the situation to the teachers and give you extra time to finish the exam you have missed. That is all, you are dismissed."

Jenny and Annie looked relieved to only have suspension but all eyes were on Bethany who hasn't even looked up from the floor.

I stood up and finally found my voice, "But Mr. Keillon... I am totally unharmed so please consider Bethany. I think expelling her is too much."

"No, Ms. Starr... it is just. She must pay the price of her actions. Oh, and Bethany... I will alert your parents about how much a disappointment you are to the family." Mr. Keillon says and he closed the door behind him.

Hey guys!! I know it's been so long but I have finally updated, yeeey! It's just that my schedule's been tight and I am really sorry for being so late :(  Thank you to those who stuck around :D You guys will always make my day -Hammie here :D

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