Special Chapter: Meet The Folks

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry if I wasn't able to update for so long it's because of exams and I needed some inspiration :( But I'm back now and I thought of this idea to make a special chapter with Nick as the POV. I hope you guys would love it :) Thanks for reading The Sweet Crazy Life, it means a lot :)


Oh no.

A gigantic tarpaulin was strapped from one end of the family restaurant to the other with big gigantic words that could be distinguished a mile away. WELCOME HOME NICKY AND FRIENDS FROM: ANDREWS FAMILY. I didn't know what's worse: the fact that a welcome sign with my face photo-shopped in the corner can be seen by the hundreds of strangers who come to our restaurant or the fact that my friends were just behind, admiring my parent's work. And... are those balloons?

"Your parents must miss you a lot." Ariana muses at my back. "It's as if you've been gone for a year."

The fact that Ariana was behind me was probably the worst part. If only this was just a dream, please don't make it real. Pinch. It's not working!

"Nicky." Jamie chortles and gave a small snort.

"Shut up." I waved him off as I tried to casually place my hands in my pockets. "You know my parents."

The door of the restaurant burst open and out came a woman who practically jumped up and down like a giddy school girl as she saw me. She darted through the parking lot and crushed me into a bone-breaking hug. Yep, that's my mom.

"Nicky, we missed you so, so much!" my mother exclaimed as she placed both her hands on my cheeks, causing my lips to pucker up like a fish.

I took off her hands gently from my face. "Mom, I missed you too. But... WHAT IS THIS?!" I demanded gesturing to the giant tarpaulin with my weird grinning photo-shopped face.

"It's your tarpaulin dear." she answered casually and placed her hands on her hips. "Do you like it?"

"Mom, it's embarrassing." I admitted painfully.

"But you've been gone for so long so I thought a decent homecoming would be good."

"Mom, I've only been gone for two weeks." I informed her. "Plus, I've been gone far longer during my freshman year so why go through all..." I waved at the tarpaulin. "This?"

Mom mearly smiled and shrugged. Her eyes darted to the three people behind me and she gasped in surprise and directed her attention towards them crying out how happy she was that they could visit our place.

"Mom, your avoiding the subject!" I exclaimed but I was pretty sure she was ignoring me.

"Hello, Jamie!" Mom greets hugging my best friend. "You've grown a lot!"

"It's nice to be here Mrs. Andrews." Jamie says, not quite sure what to say.

"Mom, I'm talking to you." Still ignored.

This time, mom turned to Ariana and Lannie, both who went laughing when she said, "Nicky, you've brought girls! Daddy would be so proud."

My face went totally red both from embarrassment and anger. Do all mothers have this talent in humiliating their kids?

"But which one's your girlfriend?" mom asked which caused both girls to giggle. I felt like I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there.

"No, ma'am, we're just friends of Nick." Ariana explains for me. She gave me a reassuring smile and I swear, she looked just like an angel.

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