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we walked into the restoront and the hosstest lead use to a small two people table in the back. It was a very cute little restoront but was pretty fancy for a small town in texus. it had lacie table cloths and one candel in the middle of it all. Like I said small but facy.

"how did you aford this." I asked.

"well if you must know." he paused and took hold of my hand."I would go to any exspents for you and my parents own the place." I just sat there laughing my ass off.

"so do you have any sidlings." I asked.

"ugh yes." He said with a sigh.

"how manie."

"I got two little sisters that wont shut up." he said just as the watreiiss came to take out orders.

"ummm yes can I get a rack of ribs with salad on the side." I asked nicely.

"wow someone can eeat but ok umm I will just have same thing thanks."  the watriss gave Skye a flirtasous smile then waked away.

"so how about you." Skye asked.

"what?"I asked a bit startled.

"do you have sidlings." he said.

"ummmm ummmm I.....I ugh No I-." I stop once I noticed a familure scent was in the air. It was minty and yet it got some pine in there Oh god it couldn'y be It cant be.


I just sat there in thought and sniffing the air even though skye was here I was ready to faze and run for my life. It kept getting closer every minet and I could help it even though my wolf was screaming 'MATE MATE MUST GO TO MATE ' but I was holding back. I wasn't sure what to do  I think I liked Skye and trust me I didn't want to leave him and anita and Cole and I don't think they want to leave ethier.

"Skye we have to leave." I begged  Finally meeting his eyes witch must have worried him.

'Whats wrong is it me or is it here did I say something." he said in panic. It made me chukle a little.

"know its someone elase and if we don't go now you will get hurt and probely never see me again." I said as I got up and grabbed his hand. 

"what do you mean." he said angerly. But we were to late Kyle my dad and shane my brother or the beta of the pack where here.

They hadn't seen use so I pushed Skye the other way to the back door.If there is one. 

"who were thoose guys." he barked. 

"my Ex my Dad and my brother." I said.

"ok why the hell are they here and look so angrey." he asked.

"Skye look at me." I said "I really like but we can't be together I will probs end with you dead or hart broken now I need you to go home and if anyone nocs on your door don't answere it."

"you like me." he asked his face softening.

"shit is that all you herd me say out of that sencent."

"no I herd everything but why do you think I will die." he asked

"please just trust me and listen to me when I say this is the last time you will ever see me." I said the tears were starting to fall by now.

"why..why can't I come with you we can do this together." he said he had tear running down his face.

"know I like you and coloe and anita to much I don't want to hurt you all or make you leave each other." I said this time I was crying non stop.

" I don't care we will do this together because I like you to much to let you go." that put a smile on my face.

"ok I said " but you must under stad that there are things that you will not understad my world is full of hate and other stuff ."

"alright lets go because your family is comeing this way." he pointed to behind me. I turned to see and very red faced Kyle shane growling pretty loud and my dad was as red as Kyle like a tomato.

"we need to go." I pulled Skye into the car and we were off into the world together fogetting every thing behind use.  I pulled out my cell and texted Cole and Anita that they were the best and that I and Skye will never forget them.

and this is was it leaveing them so me and Skye could face the world and other things This wasn't the  end of our Journey it was just the begining.


well wasn't that cute I just had to though  so people just deal cuz  like it but yeah so you know the drill.

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jordan xox 


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