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"Ok I think it is time." skye said as we packed up our shit from the hotel.

"what do you mean." I asked even though I was fully a were of what he was talking about.Who were they and why are they after me. 

"don't play dumd with me Renee you are fully a were of what I am talking about." Skye said in a angrey tone.

"I'm sorry Skye." I wispered as I steped into the shower trying to get away from him.

"Oh no Renee you can't hide from this i will keep asking you know matter what." he shouted at me from the other side of the door. 

I  couldn't answere him I was to hard on me Kyle rejected me and trust me it hurt and now he my father who has always hated are looking for me. This is just so hard I thought.

"I don't know what to do." I sobbed. I wipted the stray tears away and picked up the brown hair die. Yes I was going to die my hair because I didn't want to be reconised. I started to applie it and soon anuf I was in the shower washing it out.I quitley got out of the shower and put my clothes back on. and walked out to see Skye pasted out on the floor right beside the batroom door.

"Skye..... Skye." I shook him until he finally woke up. 

"Renee is that you." he asked his voice a bit cracked since he had just woke up. 

"yes it is me." I said.

"I am sorry I got angrey with you." he said " I just....... I I want to keep you safe but it is hard when I don't know what I am up agenst you need to tell me." he asked in a pleading tone.

"thats the thing you will never understand what you are up agenst Skye. All we can do is run for now but all in good time you will under stand." I promised 

"I want to know I will try and under stand please Renee tell me." he begged.

"All in good time." I said as I pated his hand" now lets go get some sleep we have got alot of driving to do." I smiled.

"mkay" he said as he got up and headed over to his bed.

"night skye." I said before hopping into bed.

"night Renee." he said

THE NEXT DAY+================================================================

"morning." I shouted in Skyes ear making him jump and fall on his ass on the floor.

"Morning." he said as he rubbed his ass.

"hahahaha sorry." I laughed at my antics.

"what ever." he grumbled.

" I made coffie." I said and helled up the pitcher.

"COFFIE!!!" Skye would ly down and die for the stuff.

"you like it." I asked

"no>" he said and put his cup of Coffie down on the table and looked me in the eyes and said" Ilove it." 

"thanks." I said and blushed alittle when I noticed he had helled his gaze on me.

" i am guessing that made your day." he asked.

"no you falling on your ass is what made my day." I laughed. He just glared.

"ok if you were in my postion you would be mad too." he grumbled.

"oh please don't mad." I said as I walked over to him and planted a kisss on his cheak whitch odviously made his day.

"ok you are forgiven." he blushed.

"you are just so cute." I said

" I wish we could stop running and just stay here wait what are we running from again." he asked

"like I said last night all in good time you will know." I said.

"Mkay we better go because I hered some howling last night and I don't want any of those annyoning stray dogsgetting into the car and finding the extra food." I tensed at that question.

"did you say stray dogs." I asked.

"yeah i saw a bunch on the drive up here." he said as he looked out the window.

"Oh no."I gulped.

"what."Skye asked.

"We need to get out of here now." I said as I grabbed Skyes hand and dragged him tords the car.

"what why?" he asked as he pulled his hand out of my grip.

"I can't tell you." I said

"what is with you and all these secrets." he yelled.

"please." I said as I took a step closer to him. 

"fine." he said and with that we were off tord god knows where. 


howdy yall sorry I haven't updated latley I have been grounded oh and sorry it is so short

comment,vote,and fann

jordan xox


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