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I stood in the tent. I was preparing for my wedding. Me and Kyle. I didn't want his to happen. I really didn't ut all i had to do was marrie him and then he will be alpha and I can be free.Right ?

I looked down at my phone to see 20 in box messages from Skye. I should call him and tell him what was going on. But then again I shouldn't. He hurt you.Yeah he hurt me he should sufer. Yet you still love him. 

It was all so true. 

I loved him still thou he hurt  me I was still willing to be with him. I loved him. I loved him. I loved him. No! You still love him. I gulped down the lump in my throut as I dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring. 

"Renee please listen I still love you. I never meant to hurt you." 

I listend as Skye begged for my forgivness. 

"Its fine Skye. I forgive you." 

"Oh Renee thank you now will you please come home i and every one else here misses you." He said into the phone. 

"I can't." I said into the phone. 


"I am getting married today Skye." a stray tear ran down my cheak. 

"W-what." he asked into the phone. 

"I love you Skye just remeber that and i have to do this but I am sorry we can't be together." I sobbed into the phone. 

"No! is Kyle putting you up to this." 

"No I have to do this Skye. I love you please always remeber that." 

"No I love you too Renee but why can't you just break off the engag ment.' He asked. 

"Because there are thing you will never understand about us werewolves." 

"Like what?" 

"Us werewolves hate being shared. We are only meant for one person. I am meant for kyle Skye. Not you." I sighed as I spook the truth about my kind. It was all so true. No matter how strong the love between me and Skye was desdony will always bring you back to the person you are meant to be with. As much as I hate to think this but Skye and I were not meant to be. It was me and Kyle. I was just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. 

"I don't care please Renee tell me where you are ? I will find you and we can escape." He yelled into the phone 

"The pack will always fight for there alpha and that alpha is soon to be Kyle. I love you Skye I need you but I have to do this." 

"please Renee."

"I'm sorry Skye but I have to go." 

"Don't go." Skye wispered into the phone. 

A few tears ran down my face. I was going to regret my descion later in life. But I sucked in a breath and then let it out again. Finally I spook again. 

"Good bye Skylar." I said right before I hung up. I stared at the phone for what felt like hours but in reality it was only a minuet. I looked at the other side of the room and there stood a up set looking mother.

"moma." I cried as I ran tods her. I embraced my aging mother in a big hug.

"Who was it you were just talking to you. Are you in any danger love." He mother said as she took my head into her hands.

"No moma I am safe." I smiled as I shook my head. Tears still kept coming and that concerned my mother.

"Then why are you crying dearest."

"because I love some one else.''

Skyes POV------

She had hung up. She was getting married to that jerk. Kyle would just heart her. he would use her and hen dump her like garbage. I wasn't going to give up that easy. I was going to find Renee and make her mine again. I love her to much to let her go.

We had become to close to let all that go.I was going to make Renee mine again. She wasn't intrested into Kyle. She hated him with a passion. I did as well. I was going to get to that wedding and make sure I get her back.

The question was. How the hell am I going to get to the wedding if I don't know where it is. I re thought mine and renee's conversation. She said something about the pack that could be usful. She was with her pack.

She told me she only lived ( at wolfe speed) two days away from Morgan ville. So she should be living in Twanny ville (a/n Just made the place up)

I ran to my car and jumped into the drivers seat. I started the engion and then I was off to Twanny Ville.

To the love of my life 


 head up people but next chapter is going to be it. 


Jordan xoxo 


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