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Skye and I were seperated. Well kinda him was in the cell across from me. So basicaly we were seperated. The Vampieres still hadn't made there decisoion on whether or not they were going to help us or kill us. I really hoped they were going to help us. 

Me and Skye could not talk because if we did then we were as sure as hell dead. I was just pacing around the cell. So was Skye. I think he was panicing because he kept mumbling to himself and then taking deep heavy breths of air.

I was so scared when the vampieres came around. Scared of there answere.A few minuts later a girl vampiere not even older then 8 came around and unlocked our cages.

"Come with me." she said in a low tone.

"What about the older vamps sweaty." I asked.

"Oh don't worrie about them." She wispered as she lead us out of the old were house and into an open feild. 

"I'm Juliet." said the girl- I mean Juliet. 

"I'm Renee and this is Skye." I said as Skye gave her a two fingered salut. 

" I no were a car if we can get to it we will be pretty safe." Said Juliet.

"How can we trust you." Skye said as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Skye." I barked at him for being so rude. Yet he did have a good question how could we trust her.

"I promise you can trust me." She smiled shyley at me. 

I had a good feeling about her. I smiled back at her and then gave Skye a death look for being so rude to this little girl. Skye walked by me and wispered in my ear "If we die its on you." I just glared right back at him.

"Just give her a chance if she betras us then then I will rip off her head in a heart beat." I told him back.

"Fine." Skye huffed. 

"So where is this car." I asked Juliet. 

"Close." she said.

After a awhile of walking we made it to a car. Juliet jumped in the back Skye in the passenger seat and me in the drivers.

"Why are you helping us." I asked after a while of silence.

"Because the vamps that caught you and Skye killed my parents not so long ago.They caged me up in that awful cage.A few days ago they took me out and made me there slave. I saw you guys come and I over herd you and the elders talking about alience and I new they were going to exacute you guys.So I decided if a vampiere and Werewolf become a team they can defeat anything." She smile sadly at me. 

"Oh sweety." I said " I know whats its like to lose someone you really care about." I said

"Really how?" Juliet asked. 

"My.." I paused and looked over at Skye for a second." My mate rejected me so I ran away. I pretty much lost everything my family my friends all because of a boy" I said o her.

"Hmm I see." she said.

After a few seconds of silence Juliet went ridged. I loked at her like she was crazy. She wiped her head around and looked out the back window. She winped back around in her seat. She gave me a terrified look. Thats how I new what was wrong.

"Skye." I said in a terrifeid voice.

"What." He asked.

"Get down." I screched at him as a pole went flying through the back seat window.

"Juliet." I screamed her name. 

"I'm fine." I wimpy little voice said. 

"Are you injered." I asked.

"No it is just a scratch." she said. 

"Oh Goo-" I was cut of by a vampiere jumping in forunt of the car and stoping it with one hand. 

The vampiere that was behind us came around and grabbed Juliet. She screamed and kiked at the man. 

"LET HER GO." I ferked. The man just laughed. Another man came around and grabbed Skye." NO!' I screamed I was almost in tears. Next I was pulled out of the window I was being helled by the neak just like Skye and Juliet.

"Would you too no what we do to trators and thives." the frist Vampiere said with a smirked.

" I would rather not." Skye said.

"Well you will get to see starting with you." The man holding Juliet said as he looked down at her and smirked down at Juliet.

"NO." I screamed. I know I had only known Juliet for a few seconds but I felt like she was my own daughter. Thou I never had any.

The man just smirked as he tigtened his grip around JUliets neak. I riped out of the vampiere that was holding me's grip. I turned around and riped off his head. I lunged at the one that was holding Skye and killed him. Skye ran over and hugged me.

The next thing I herd was a yelp of pain. I wiped around and saw the vampiere holding Juliet.I lunged at him.

But it was too late. He had already snapped juliets neak.Her body went limp in his arms he let her body fall to the ground. I lunged at him again. But this time making his deatha bit more painful. I went into wolf form and stabbed my paw right into the place were his heart would be. Just before I riped it out I said to him. " How would you like to die." and then I finished my bussness. and walked over to juliets limp body.

I put it in the back seat of the car  Skye got in ass well we started off.

From the looks of it this war as just gotten ten times worse.    

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