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When I did return home Skye was sitting on the cuch with his head in his hands.Red eyes and I could smell a alot of axe radiateing off his body. I could as so smell the heavy sent of liqure.There was another sent in the air that I didn't reconize.

When Skye finally did notice me in the room he jumped from his seat and then started to hug me. Like as if he hadn't seen me in years. I awkwardly patted him on the back. 

He finally did let go and then took a step back. He had puffy red eyes and a tarified look on his face. I did not understand until he looked down in sham. Then it hit me.

I whipped my head back and forth not believing him. Then I walked into our bed room to see the sheets russeled up  and everything. Finally I undstood what that smell was.

Nor skye or I said a thing. I just took a deep breath and then went into our-or used to be- our room and started to pack up my stuff. He finally looked at me as I started to pack my stuff. He rushed over to me and grabbed my hands ruffely then through my clothes and other belongings out og my suit case.

I pushed him away ruffelythen proseced to pack my stuff. Nether of us said a word. He just looked at me from the other side of the room while sitting on his nees. I wouldn't look him in the eyes knowing the truth was the hardest thing.Frist Kyle now Skye. Finally I broke the silence.

"Who is she." I said my voice cracking from my crying.

"I don't no." He wispered.

That just pissed my off. " So you go around and bang random chick behind my back. Beautiful." I said putting as much venom in my voice as I could.  

"it wasn't like that. It was and ambush I tell you." He yelled back. 

"How could she ambush you if you probely ebjoyed it." I spat out. Ok so that was a little harsh but I couldn't help it.I was heart broken. He didn't deserve pitty,sympathie or anything really. He desreved to rot in hell for all I care.

I took one look at him to see him looking down in sham. I just nodded my head. He ddi this and it happened and he enjoyed it. Its like he enjoys my pain. I have been hurt so many effin times but he doesn't care. 

"Please don't lieve me." He begged. 

I just looked Skye in the eyes through the mirror that was standing in forunt of me. I sucked in a deep breath and then exhauled and started with my stuff again. Tears sprung in his eyes as he watched. He left the room. Good. was all I thougt I couldn't look at him now. Not anymore. Not with out crying. 

I guess I really am going to be fighting my own war.

Skye is no more in my battel. 

The only thing that would keep us together was his memory. 

A few hours later. I was gone. On a taxi to were ever I was going. All I new i was leaving and it would be far away from everone. Cole, Anita, Skye,Kyle,and Olive.Everytime We drove past people I would see Skye. Not the real person but Skye.

This hurt alot. This was tearing me apart. Everyone I see wqould be Skye and his beautiful black hair and green eyes.

Pain shot through my heart as I thougt about how faraway Skye was. BUt this was for the best. I was and nver would be good enough for him.

Like my mother always said ' If a boy hurts you with another girl.He isn't worth your or anyones time.' She always new what to say.

But she wasn't with me. She was gone.Home probely cooking and cleaning. Thats all she ever did. Clean and cook for dad. She loved everine and did everthing for me and my father.But MY father treated her like crap.HE cheated on her behind her back and then acted like he loved her. Yet she new all along he was cheating. She had seen it with her own two eyes. It hurt her. Yet she still loved him. Because they were mates they couldn't not love each other. but my father I guessed he didn't feel the emotion of love because he sure as hell didn't love her. 

I shook my head as the taxi entered a new part of texus. I wasn't in Morgan ville anymore. I was in a place called Harlingen. I was crawling with people. I couldn't tell if any were vampieres or werewolves. 

I was very confussed.

But I was in a new place. 

What else was I sapost to suspect. 


Sorry it is so short.


Jordan xox 


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