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I tords the alter. There stood my father Kyle and his best man and others I couldn't name. I looked around the room at all the people smiling brightly. I teared up because this was all a lie to them.They all thought I was truly happy with Kyle. I wasn't. I wanted Skye I wanted him so much. All I wanted him to do was march through those two doors and save me. 

Take me far away. Kiss me till the end of the world. Hold me till he needs to put me down so he can protect me from the dangers of life. 

But that was not going to happen.

'He doesn't even know where' I am I thoought as I got closer to the alter.I needed to stop thinking about Skye. He wasn't going to come to my rescue. I was going to suffer for the rest of my life with Kyle.I would rather die then marrie Kyle.

Kyle is not the man I fell in love with. He is not even close to the man I fell for. The man I fell for had beautiful blue eyes. The man I fell in love with gave me flowers when they weren't nesicerey for him to give them to me. The man I fell in love with stand with me when he could have left me for some road side whore when he found out I was a wolf. The man I fell in love with is Skylar not Kyle. The man I fell in love with wasn't standing by that alter. The man I despies most was.

The man I loved most was somewhere back in Texas.

And I wasn't with him like I wanted to be.


I drove like a freaking car racer. I wasn't going to slow down. This was to save Renee. I didn't care if I got pulled over in the process. I didn't care if I died while trying to save Renee. I had to get to her before she say's 'I do'

'I love you Renee'  I thought as I drove 'please don't say I do' 

I was to busy thinking of Renee and how I hoped she whould say no to Kyle. I didn't noticed the truck parked right in frount of me. But when I finally did notice it was to late. I had already hit it. 

My last thought was of Renee before I blacked out. 

Renee's POV- 

I was standing at the alter looking Kyle in the eyes and pleading him to call this all off when a pain shot me in the heart. It made breathing and everything hurt. My joints and limbs hurt like hell. I started to gasp for breath from lack of oxygen.

I fell down on my nee's and by now the entirer pack was around me with fearful faces. They looked at one and another sayinf things like.

"Whats happening to her?"

and others

"I have only seen this with one other but it was only when a mate is injuried."

"Some one cheek Kyle.'' A woman screamed.

I didn't undstand what was happening to me. Kyle was fine ? I shouldn't be hurting like this. Kyle was fine he was just looking at me with a pissed expression on. Then the real pain seetled in. I felt the pain of glass cutting through my face and something hard hit me in the chest like a punch in the gut but harder and bigger. It knocked the wind right out of me. I kept looking back and forth from the sky to Kyle's pissed expression. He wasn't hurt what was happening to me? 

Thats when it hit me. 


He was hurt! 

"Skye." I said with my breathless voice. I guesed the pack got the wrong idea bcause evereyone looked up at the sky. I just rolled my eyes. Finally some of the pain subsided. It still hurt like a bitch when I moved but I could at least get up now. I looked from face to face then I finally met my mothers eyes. She smiled at me and nodded as if she understood before I said a word to her. I smiled at my most understanding mother and then trans formed into wolf form. 

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