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Today, I'm gonna write a sad song

Gonna make it really long

So that everyone can see

That I'm very unhappy

It was just one of those day's where all I wanted to do was cry.All I would do now was listen to sad songs right now I was listening to 'Sad song" I didn't know who the singer was but al I new it was a girl. it was from one of the CD's Renee forgot to bring with her. It was very depressing but don't blame me I missed her so much it hurt. 

I wish I wasn't always wrong

I wish it wasn't always my fault

The finger that you're pointing

Has knocked me on my knees

And all you need to know is

I'm so sorry, it's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking

So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know that growing up goes slow

I wonder what my mom and dad would say

If I told them that I cry each day

It's hard enough to live so far away

Funny I do cry each day. Every thought I have about her in like a bullet to my cest. It hurts so bad not even my parents crash could comprehend me pain. I don't even know were renee is. She went somewere far because my phone always say's everytime I call her it say's "I'm sorry but the number you are trying to reach is out of call distance. Please hang up and try your call again" It wasn't my fault about what happened. This random girl knokced on my door and asked if I was Skye I said yes and she just started to make out with me. I got so carried away i forgot all about Renee. It was a shit head move on my part. 

I wish it wasn't always cold

I wish I wasn't always alone

When the party is over,

How will I get home?

And all you need to know is

I'm so sorry, it's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking

So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know that growing up goes slow

It's try I hated being alone and i was sorry I has such an mimature dick. I wish I could go inot the past and rewind it so I would have stopped myself and been able to stop Renee. Or just find out where she went. I missed her so much.   

If all the rules are meant to bend

And you swore you were my friend

Now I have to start all over again

Cause no one's going to take your place

And I'm scared I'll never save

All the pieces of the love we made

But I'm so sorry, it's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking

So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know

That I can slip and fall

And you won't let me go

Just let me know that growing up goes slow

And I'm so sorry, it's not like me

It's maturity that I'm lacking

So don't, don't let me go

Just let me know

That growing up goes slow

Please Renee don't let my memory go. 

RENEE' S POV+===============================================




I kept shouting that over and over again as I riped up picture of me and skye anything that remimded me of Skye I was destroying. I wanted no memory of him. I hated him. I wanted nothing to ever do with him again.  

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