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Skye and I have deciced to go back home for awhile. We had made it home in under two days.  And it took us a week to get to where we were at. We were currently talking to Cole and Anita. Well you could call it talking more like us being lectured about how we shouldn't run off by our selves etc.

I was lying in Skyes arms trying to figure out a way to tell them about every thing that has happened and how I am and about the Vampieres, Kyle, and Olive. this was going to be harder then I thought. The whole telling them my secret. I wish I ddin't have to but I was going to die anyway.

"I can't believe you would all run off like that. WE were worried sick about you." Anita yelled.

"What were you both thinking. You could gotten hurt Skye. I dont want to listen to your excuses.Skye I know these past years about your parents and everything. But that doesn't give you and excuse for you to run off like you did." Cole said in a unresonablely angry tone.

"I didn't run off with Renee because I was being rebleious. I did it because I just..... I......" Skye looked down at me for help. I looked back up at his emraled eyes. They begged for my help. I gulped down the lump in my throut.

"i am different." I said.

"Renee you dont have to do this." Skye said ina honest tone.

"Yes I do." I told Skye.

"What are you both talking about." Cole asked from curiosity.

"Yeah guys what going on?" Anita asked as she placed her hand on the top of Coles shoulder.

I gulped one last time before I pretty much barthed it all out. I told everything. The vampieres .Juliet and how she saved us and about her death. I told them about Kyle and how he almost killed Skye. Olive and how she attacked me and how Skye almost died. Then about Juliet and Skyes parents and how Juliet saved Skyes life by reviving him.

They both looked at each other then back at us then they started to laugh. Me and Skye both exchanged confussed looks. Anita and Cole soberded up then looked back at us and said  at the same time"You guys are heliriouse." Cole shook his head and chuckleda little.

"You guys don't believe us do you? " I asked in disbelieve.

"How can we." Cole yelled.

"Dude chill she is telling the truth.,'' Skye said as he held his hand out for cole.

"How am I going to believe Renee is telling the truth hmmm." he asked as he grabbed a water bottel.

Skye and Cole started to bicker about everything. I got up and left the room I was to tired to listen to them and there fighting. I went to the door and left to go to Skye aparment where me and him would be staying. I pulled out my ipod as I lied down on our couch and looked for a good song. I found Let it ride by juliet simms and I started to play it. 

Lay on the floor 

Breathe it in deep 

Don't speak, don't say a word 

Just savoring 

You're all that I have 

And all to hold on to 

You can't lead me on 

Come on, come on 

Can't you feel it 

And start chasing dreams 

And don't let it go (?) 

And take me away 

Let's get out of this town 

Baby, run 

We're unstoppable now 

On top of the world 

Sing it out loud 

And mean it and keep believing 

We've got the rest of our lives 

So let it ride 

The time of our lives 

Let it ride 

Running away 

Don't tell anyone 

We'll be the talk of the town 

We'll be the envy of everyone 

Dances to mixtapes and car tops 

So don't, don't, don't let this go 

And take me away 

Let's get out of this town 

Baby, run 

We're unstoppable now 

On top of the world 

Sing it out loud 

And mean it and keep believing 

We've got the rest of our lives 

So let it ride 

The time of our lives 

Let it ride 

Coming on strong and never before 

I swear if you leave this end of the world (?) 

So don't walk away 

Just take my hand 

I'm calling you out 

Now I've shown you my heart 

So take it away 

And take me away 

Let's get out of this town 

Baby, run 

We're unstoppable now 

On top of the world 

Sing it out loud 

And mean it and keep believing 

We've got the rest of our lives 

So let it ride 

The time of our lives 

Let it ride

I listened intently as the song ended. I repeted the song over and over again. I loved that song. It was amazing. Soon after I listened to that song over 5 times I had fallen asleep.Skye on my mind.


I love how juliet simms plays renee in this story and then I put her songs in it. Well her you guys go I hope yall didn't think I ended the story last chapter beacsue if you did then you all are strange. it was only chapter 13 but don't worry Renee and Skye will have more adventures together. well talk to yall later.


Jordan xox


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