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G_kxxk : I prefer when you call me Kook...

Jxmxn : Anyways, doesn't matter, I have something crazy to tell you !

G_kxxk : Yes ? Spit it out and don't beat around the bush.

Jxmxn : Actually, I really thought since I talked to you about... Jungkook ? I don't even know if it's his name.

G_kxxk : Anyways, let's go to the point.

Jxmxn : Yeah, it's been 1 week since I talked to you about him, so 1 week that your birthday has passed. AND more the time flies, more I'm telling myself that he seems really cool, that we could be big friends.

G_kxxk : And ?

Jxmxn : And I decided that this week I'll go talk to him and his friends. I heard that they were called Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi, and they are all older than him. Their group seems cool, we could meet and talk, get to know each other, with my group too.

G_kxxk : Why are you telling me that ?

Jxmxn : Because you're... my friend... ?

G_kxxk : Yeah that's logic indeed lmao.

Jxmxn : Anyways, I'll talk to him.

G_kxxk : When exactly ? I'd like from you to notify me when you meet him and his group.

Jxmxn : I don't know, I'm a bit shy especially when I'm talking to new people in real life, unlike the networks, where I'm a bit more confident. But it'll be this week.

G_kxxk : And that boy, you still think the same thing about him ?

Jxmxn : Like smiling, pretty, good makeup, cool hair, etc... ?

G_kxxk : Logically yes, I'm talking about that.

Jxmxn : Yeah, well I still think the same thing, he's still as cute as before for a younger boy than me, and frankly I'm seeing myself being friends with him, he seems to laugh often, just like me.

G_kxxk : Well go for it, he won't eat you I think, especially if he gave you that smile, huh ?

Jxmxn : YESSS ! I'm sure that he feels as well the friendship that could connect us.

G_kxxk : So go approach him, I'm sure he'll find you very kind. If you're the same in reality as you're here.

Jxmxn : Sure I'm kind, you can't find kinder than me lmao.

G_kxxk : Hmm yeah don't be too much narcissist lmao I didn't say that you were the King of kind people.

Jxmxn : Well, to confirm that you should meet me in reality ;)

G_kxxk : When I'll be ready, and the moment is still far to come.

Jxmxn : You're really a pain in the ass lmao, but still, anyways, I'll wait if I have to Jaekook.

G_kxxk : I told you to call me Kook, not Jaekook.

Jxmxn : But what's your problem with your first name, why only Kook ? Why not Jae ?

Jxmxn : This is something I don't understand, frankly.

G_kxxk : Maybe because people always called me Kook and that's only to yell at me if they're calling me by my full first name ?

Jxmxn : Ah I didn't know, sorry, I don't yell at you when I call you Jaekook, don't worry about that, I'm just so pleased that you revealed your true self to me that I have the desire to say your name.

G_kxxk : Yeah...

G_kxxk : Anyways.

Jxmxn : Anyways, I look forward to talk to him... OH BUT BY THE WAY

G_kxxk : What's more ?

Jxmxn : The girl you told me about, you talked to her or not ?

G_kxxk : We see the difference between you, who want to talk to a buddy to be his friend and I, who want to talk to a « Girl » because I'm falling for her charm.

Jxmxn : Anyways, you change the topic, one more time...

G_kxxk : No, no I didn't talk to that person no. That's too much for me, I can't.

Jxmxn : BUT WHY ?

G_kxxk : Simply because she's certainly not interested in boys ? And I'm afraid to talk to her too, because she'll be awkward when I'll look at her, she'll blame me about not going to see her before, etc...

Jxmxn : WAIT

Jxmxn : Is she a lesbian ?

G_kxxk : I personally think that this person likes girls, yes.

Jxmxn : Oh shit... You know, it's cool to have a lesbian friend I think... ?

G_kxxk : What you don't understand is that I'm falling for this person and it hurts me to think that there won't be any chance... Never... It breaks me.

Jxmxn : Sure it's complicated to imagine myself in your position. I always liked heterosexual girls so... well.

G_kxxk : And you have had adventures ?

Jxmxn : Yeah, some, I mean 4 girls, the last dates for 3 months. But I never really was in love. But what boners I had when I was seeing them in swimsuit or bra.

G_kxxk : I'll pass the details, thanks... 

G_kxxk : But wait, have you already... made love?

Jxmxn : Well I want to say yes. But unfortunately... ahah, I never made it.

G_kxxk : Why ?

Jxmxn : They were afraid of Jiminanaconda ;)

G_kxxk : Lmao no, seriously, why haven't you make it ?

Jxmxn : Because I wasn't ready, that's the reason.

G_kxxk : You weren't ready ?

Jxmxn : My first relationship was when I was 15yo, and it lasted 7 months. That's my longest relationship, and I thought it was too early for my age to do it, but it was because my relation with her was too fresh too.

G_kxxk : So ?

Jxmxn : So I said no. I wanted to do it with someone I was really in love with, but with her I wasn't. Like the others. Especially because for the others it lasted 2 months. No thanks.

G_kxxk : Oh okay I see. It's better to wait for the right girl like you say.

Jxmxn : I feel that one day I'll find my dream girl ! And you, did you already make a girl lose her virginity? ;)

G_kxxk : More poetic pls.

Jxmn : Anyways.

G_kxxk : No, I never did. I have to go, bye.

Jxmxn : Bye bitch !

Hey ! So a new part is out ! I hope you liked it, that you like the story, Jm and Jk's reactions, and that you're starting to be attached to the characters ! Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, and share, and see ya tomorrow ! Bye !

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