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Jxmxn : Hi Kook.

Jxmxn : I didn't sleep a lot tonight...

G_kxxk : Why ?

Jxmxn : And I wasn't fine today either.

G_kxxk : What's happening Jimin ? Are you okay ? Are you sure that you're alright ?

G_kxxk : I told you to rest.

Jxmxn : Actually it's Jungkook, he's really worrying me.

Jxmxn : I'm scared for him. He didn't come at School today, again.

Jxmxn : I'm scared he'll do something.

G_kxxk : Maybe he has a flue ?

Jxmxn : With what I told you yesterday I don't think that it's the flue that prevents him to come.

Jxmxn : I called him a few minutes ago.

Jxmxn : He told me he had an impediment, again and again his so called impediments.

G_kxxk : Maybe he tells you the truth ?

Jxmxn : He said we obligated him from coming at school.

Jxmxn : I asked him why he wanted to cut himself.

G_kxxk : Really ? What did he answer ?

Jxmxn : He said to me, verbatim : « In the mirror, I'm just a loser. A loner, a jackass covered in scars, Dirty trash ».

Jxmxn : Why does he say that about him ?

G_kxxk : When I told you not to judge a book by its cover...

Jxmxn : He seems so sad. And after I asked him why he was telling that, why he was downgrading him that much.

Jxmxn : Why he didn't like himself.

G_kxxk : So ?

Jxmxn : His voice broke at that moment , when I was calling him.

Jxmxn : I wanted to go to him, go in my fucking phone and take him in my arms.

Jxmxn : And he answered « It's becoming hard to breathe, to live. »

Jxmxn : He told me « They want me to die, to bleed for what I am ».

G_kxxk : That's horrible...

Jxmxn : Yeah, I was there like ???????

Jxmxn : After, he told me « That's the only way to make them disappear just for a moment, the fact to make me bleed."

Jxmxn : And I asked him who he was talking about, I thought he was talking about his parents, his family, or his brother, because yes he has a brother.

Jxmxn : But you won't believe what I'll tell you.

Jxmxn : He answered « The men in Black ».

Jxmxn : I already heard that somewhere FUCK.

Jxmxn : I even think he had already said it. But I heard it somewhere else.

Jxmxn : Who could be « The men in Black » ?

G_kxxk : I don't know, maybe an organization..

Jxmxn : Lmao you have watched too much movies.

G_kxxk : Classmates who bully him, aggress him, who have things against him ?

Jxmxn : That's plausible.

G_kxxk : Try to save him, to help him to survive. Imagine if he does something irreversible...

Jxmxn : Don't say that, you'll worry me more than anything.

G_kxxk : Save me, I beg you. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : You should call him again and go see him, try to reassure him.

G_kxxk : See him for real is better than through the phone hmm ? It should be better for him to explain, no ?

Jxmxn : You're right, that's what I'll do.

Jxmxn : Kook, he's starting to take a huge place in my heart, like a buddy right now, but which could be transformed in another thing.

Jxmxn : I'm scared of myself.

G_kxxk : If he's starting to take a certain place it's okay. Just... You have to do all you can to keep him.

G_kxxk : Because if one day he's going away and that you'll really be... in love, well, it'll be worse than anything you could have imagined.

Jxmxn : I have to do all I can to help him.

Jxmxn : Do all I can before it's too late.

Jxmxn : I don't want to lose him while I'm starting to feel attracted to him.

G_kxxk : Call him now. You'll tell me everything tomorrow. Meet him.

G_kxxk : That's the better thing to do.

G_kxxk : Maybe if you don't see him tonight it'll be too late.

G_kxxk : Maybe he planned to kill himself today. And you have to prevent him from that.

Jxmxn : Don't say such things ! That's horrible, I...

Jxmxn : I call him and I ask him to meet me. I'll tell you everything tomorrow, bye soab.

G_kxxk : Bye Jimin.

G_kxxk : Thank you for saving me, at least for tonight. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : One more day of suffering... Actually I don't know if that's good or not, that you save me. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : I don't know if it's better to see you one more day and suffer, or if it's better to die tonight and feel good. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : They're back. They want me to bleed Jimin. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : Why now ? [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : Why before seeing you ? [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : The men in black really want to take me and keep me from meeting you.. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : They simply want me to suffer, that's what they want.. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : I'm afraid about them hurting you. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : They don't like you, they hate you. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : They don't like the fact that I'm gay, in love with you, the fact that I exist, simply. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : Here it is, they hurt me, they are here. [NOT SENT]

You can notice that Jk wanted to commit suicide today, and he's asking Jimin indirectly to save him. I have something to tell you ! When I'll post the last chapter, the 21, I count on you to read the 21.5. This will be a bonus and that part will be really, really important, and you'll understand the final chapter even more. If you liked it don't forget to vote, comment, and share this story ! Thank you and see you soon !

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