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Jxmxn : Hi Kook, it's been 2 days that I didn't send you dms, I'm really sorry.

Jxmxn : To be honest I'm a lot with Jungkook because he needs it, I'm the only one who is aware of what's going on with him.

G_kxxk : That doesn't matter, you must be really busy with him, he shouldn't be easy to manage.

Jxmxn : Well actually we go to school together, he's here when I go, and I don't know where he lives so he comes in front of my house.

Jxmxn : And yeah, we go to school together, we stay together for lunch, we eat together, com back home together, and after we stay until 11PM together.

Jxmxn : When I arrive at home I'm a bit exhausted ahah, but he helps me a lot in the subjects I have difficulties.

Jxmxn : He's very intelligent, and he's adorable to help me with school. But his grades are dropping more and more. He tells me that he doesn't remember anything he learns.

G_kxxk : But if he helps you he should have remains no ?

Jxmxn : Yeah logically lmao.

Jxmxn : However he's 2 years younger than me, like you, and it should be my role to help him in his studies, but well, he's very smart ahah. 

Jxmxn : Maybe I'm just dumb in the end lmao.

G_kxxk : Cool that he helps you ahah.

G_kxxk : I won't say anything on the fact that you're dumb, never deny the truth.

G_kxxk : And is he better personally ?

Jxmxn : Shut up.

Jxmxn : Yeah, at least he seems to be. I often look at his arms, he removed his bandages and only scars are present. He didn't seem like he had done it again.

Jxmxn : And he doesn't cry anymore through the phone, nor in front of me, he smiles more when I'm by his side, and it rejoices me.

G_kxxk : You seem to help him.

G_kxxk : But wait, you're still calling each other ? Even if you're always together ?

Jxmxn : Yeah, we call each other 30 minutes every night, that's cool, we talk about this and that. 

G_kxxk : I like our evening discussions, talk to you through the phone like that. [NOT SENT]

Jxmxn : Anyways I'm happy, he seems pleased, so I am.

G_kxxk : So it's fine, I'm happy for him.

Jxmxn : And you, are you okay ? Your brother doesn't steal your phone anymore ? Lmao

G_kxxk : My brother ? Doesn't steal my phone anymore ? I...

G_kxxk : I don't see...

Jxmxn : Yes, you told me he stole it and that it was him who sent messages instead of you.

Jxmxn : Don't you remember ?

G_kxxk : Ah yes ahah !

G_kxxk : Hmm well he stopped, apparently... 

Jxmxn : Cool, I was scared he saw our conversations.

G_kxxk : Don't worry about that, he likes doing pranks but he doesn't impinge in my private life.

Jxmxn : Your family knows that you are... Gay ?

G_kxxk : No, they aren't aware of it, you're the only one, even my friends don't know.

Jxmxn : Why don't you tell them ?

G_kxxk : It's not worth it. Feel things like that for men doesn't happen to me like that usually. It only happens for that one guy in my school, that's not a generality, I'm not basically attracted to boys.

Jxmxn : Yeah I see, that's crazy.

G_kxxk : You talk about me but you're slightly falling for a guy.

Jxmxn : More the time passes and more I'm scared of it yes lmao.

G_kxxk : Did you talk about that to someone else ?

Jxmxn : Taehyung yes. Taehyung is my best friend, I know him since we're baby and I couldn't hide something like that to him.

Jxmxn : I think Hoseok is starting to see it too, that proximity that I'm starting to have with Jk, so I don't know, I think he's starting to suspect it.

G_kxxk : At least you admit that you're attracted to a man, that's cool.

Jxmxn : Well It's not that simple. I'm thinking that it's not normal to be a man and love another, and that... I don't know, It feels as if I'm not normal, to feel these things...

G_kxxk : I understand you Jimin, but you have to know that you're normal, in no way you've got a problem, you love the person you love, the sex doesn't matter, you... You're a human, and it's human to love, whether it's a man, or a woman, it doesn't matter. 

Jxmxn : Yeah, but when I remember that I was a bit disgusted about gay relations, to tell me that I'm certainly like that make me shivers. I don't want to offense you or anything.

G_kxxk : You don't offense me, I understand. I was like you before, but after a while you begin to understand that some things can't be controlled.

Jxmxn : You're right, but I think that I'll accept that after a moment. I already have to be sure and my ideas have to materialize.

G_kxxk : Yeah, well I hope for you that you'll accept yourself as you are.

G_kxxk : Because I don't accept myself as I am unfortunately, the fact to love you. [NOT SENT]

Jxmxn : I'm not in love yet, just attracted, don't forget that Jaekook.

G_kxxk : Kook.

Jxmxn : Here it is, you're doing that again lmao, you won't stop hmm ? 

G_kxxk : I don't want you to call me Jaekook that's all, Kook is enough.

Jxmxn : We could think it's not even your true name lmao.

G_kxxk : Anyways, I hope your relation with Jungkook will grow, now I have to leave you.

Jxmxn : But why ? Now ? It's been 2 days that we didn't talk and you leave so fast...

G_kxxk : I'm sorry but they come back.

G_kxxk : Bye Jimin.

Jxmxn : Who come back ?

Jxmxn : Kook ? Don't leave me like a shit, I want you to stay with me.

Jxmxn : KOOK

Jxmxn : COCK

Jxmxn : Eh Jaecock comeback, don't leave me. 

Jxmxn : I'll call you like that from now on : Jaecock, or Cock, because you don't like the Jae.

Jxmxn : Bye Cock, see you next time, since I don't know when you'll be back. Anyway we see each other in 25 days !

G_kxxk : They start again while they disappeared since 2 days. Help me. [NOT SENT]

Wow I didn't notice that I didn't post the next chapters lmao. So who do u really think are the men in Black ? If you liked that part leave a like, comment and share that story ! Thank you and see you soon !

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