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Jxmxn : Hi Kook...

Jxmxn : Actually I'd like to say sorry for yesterday, I reacted very badly, I was angry since the beginning.

Jxmxn : Because... Seeing you come back like that after a long silence... It made me angry.

Jxmxn : Because I was worried for you. So much.

Jxmxn : I didn't want to scare you, in no way.

Jxmxn : I... I'm so sorry.

Jxmxn : If you don't want to tell me that so important thing about your crush right now there's no problem.

Jxmxn : I understand, and if you had tried to tell me today but not yesterday I maybe would have reacted less badly.

Jxmxn : Because I really was angry on the fact that you came back as if nothing happened.

Jxmxn : I'll give you the time you want to trust me... Or I'll try to be patient. 

Jxmxn : And you can take the time you want to tell me that thing.

Jxmxn : I'm sorry Jaekook.

G_kxxk : Kook.

Jxmxn : Ahah yes, Kook, if you want.

Jxmxn : Glad that you're here.

G_kxxk : Jimin it's okay. Just understand me, there are things hard to reveal.

G_kxxk : And I try to trust you. I only have a problem of self-confidence too, that's all.

G_kxxk : Anyways, I think I'll tell you that thing I had to tell you yesterday. 

Jxmxn : Don't feel obligated only because I threw a tantrum yesterday...

Jxmxn : You can take the time you want, really.

G_kxxk : I have the feeling that if I don't tell you now I'll never can.

Jxmxn : Oh, well go for it.

G_kxxk : Actually that girl, she's straight.

Jxmxn : That's... Everything you had to tell me ? That's serious ? 

G_kxxk : No Jimin... She's straight because that girl is... a boy.

G_kxxk : Jimin, that girl isn't lesbian because that's a guy, a straight boy, who loves girls, and I, I'm almost in love with him.

G_kxxk : All it's missing is a few of his voice, and I'll be in love with him. I just have to see him a little more and I'll really fall for him.

G_kxxk : I... I think I'm gay Jimin. 

G_kxxk : I see this boy every day in my school, he's really gorgeous, he wants to know more about me, but it's more in a... friendly way.

G_kxxk : And that boy I unfortunately never talked to him in real life. We talk a lot on social networks, but he doesn't know who I really am in reality.

G_kxxk : And frankly I curse who I am. The fact to be gay. I didn't choose to be like that, you have to know it. 

G_kxxk : That's not an illness, and again you don't have to be scared of me, I'll never hurt my male friends, even if I'm attracted by boys now. I don't jump on them, I'll never touch them, unless they wanted to be more than friend with me.

G_kxxk : I'm not dangerous, I won't infect you by twitter, I just wanted to explain that this girl isn't a girl and that I'm attracted by boys.

G_kxxk : I just wanted to say it to my friend.

G_kxxk : And please, answer, don't leave me. That's hard enough to accept it.

G_kxxk : Especially that I only dated girls before, and that's the first time that it's doing that on me. Understand me, please. Don't reject my affection.

G_kxxk : You're... My friend, aren't you ? You should help me... and shouldn't... leave me... Like that.

Jxmxn : I...

Jxmxn : Actually right now I... I don't really know what to answer.

G_kxxk : That was sure. You don't see me the same way as before, admit it.

Jxmxn : That's not that I don't see you the same way as before, because in any way I never saw you. :)

G_kxxk : Seriously... ? -_-

Jxmxn : Oh but a bit of humor won't kill us ! Anyways I was saying...

Jxmxn : I still see you as a close friend, you don't have to be scared of that, still almost as a « best friend », like I explained it to you the day you almost disappeared, and yesterday too...

Jxmxn : But the thing is that... I don't know, that's strange because I'm thinking that maybe I'm talking to a person that loves men and... Who maybe could love me ?

G_kxxk : You're entirely mistaken Jimin, I won't be in love with you...

G_kxxk : Or that's what I want to make you believe... [NOT SENT]

Jxmxn : I sincerely hope, because I'm straight and I love girls. If one day you feel something for me I couldn't return that feeling of « true love » towards you, or even a boy.

G_kxxk : You don't have to worry about that.

G_kxxk : I promise you.

G_kxxk : Thank you to understand the better you can.

G_kxxk : Here it is, I'm hurt. It hurts so bad and I curse myself so much for loving you. [NOT SENT]

G_kxxk : You kill me slowly Park Jimin. [NOT SENT]

Jxmxn : Don't worry that's normal. But where's your school ? I mean, I'd like to know, one day I'd go in front of your school, to discuss about that. That's hard to express myself about it here.

G_kxxk : See you tomorrow Jimin.

Jxmxn : Don't avoid the question...

Jxmxn : Kook.

Jxmxn : Sht he's already gone.

Jxmxn : I'm sorry if I didn't say what you wanted to hear from me. I'm not scared of you I swear.

Jxmxn : Jaekook, I miss your presence, really. I know that I have Taehyung, but you're one of my best friends as well and I'd really like to be with you sometimes.

Jxmxn : Talk to you for real like we talk here.

Jxmxn : Again, sorry. I'm sorry for all of that, and for the fact that you're gay.

G_kxxk : Don't say sorry to a person who tells you is gay. That's almost insulting. As if I have cancer. [NOT SENT]

Okay so the 9th is here ! I hope you liked it and I hope you appreciate as much as before ! From now on the things will more complicated in the next parts, and I hope you won't be disappointed ! If you like that story leave a like, a comment, and don't forget to share ! Bye !

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