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"Mum, tell me the story of the watchers house" I chirped up, jumping into my bed. My mum came and sat on the end of the bed.
"Laurence," She stalled, I looked up at her. "You're really too young to hear about this" That's what she always said but she told me regardless. I would just make some pathetic excuse that all my friends were told it.
"It was the autumn of 1979-"
"Ten years before I was born!"
"Laurence, if you want me to tell this to you, you must be quiet" Mum scolded and shifted in my itchy Starwars pyjamas.
"It was the autumn of 1979, two children, John and Sarah Crear went missing. Everyone was always wary of the watchers house on top of the hill near the cemetery on the edge of town. After a while, the police stopped searching and in the winter of the same year, bodies of two children were found on the marsh near his house" I looked at my mum intently, fully engaged in the story I had heard many a time before.
"Go on..." I waiting for my favourite part. Mum sighed.
"The watcher had murdered them" I mouthed along with her words. "He had pierced Sarah through the heart twice and John had his stomach slashed open" I smiled a little.
"You're a demonic child, you know" I heard my dad from the door.
"Don't encourage him" Mum said to him before getting up and heading to the door to join him.
"Goodnight Laurence" they both said before closing my door.

It was the summer of 2006. The sun lay low in the sky as I climbed into my run-down red car. It had rust all around the corners of the doors and wing mirrors, but it got me from A to B without any let down. I was off to meet Rachael down at the cemetery. It was an odd place to meet your girlfriend but it was our place. Romantic, ain't I? I would normally have walked but I found myself getting a bit unfit these days. Geez, I make myself sound like an old man, I'm only seventeen.

I started the car and put my foot down. I was late. My phone buzzed on the seat next to me, Rachael, of course. She was always on about me being late. I didn't bother answering as I was nearly there. I saw her small blue car parked opposite the cemetery gate, she was standing there. Her dark hair was messily tied in a bun, her blue eyes shone brightly in the evening light. I jumped out of my car and jogged up behind her, wrapping her up into a tight hug.

"Laurence..." She breathed, turning her head towards me.
"I'm sorry I'm late" I was sorry but it wouldn't be the last time. I picked her up and placed her on the wall.
"Laurence... I'm sorry" She looked into her lap.
"You haven't done anything" I took her hands in mine. She shook her head slightly.
"What's up?" She looked into the slowly crumbling cemetery behind her. She seemed nervous, her usual bold and confident side wasn't shining through as bright.
"Laurence... believe me when I say this..." She looked into my eyes. "I love you... but this can't go on..."

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