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About a month went by, nothing really happened. The voice of Rachael haunted me. She was everywhere I went. I had only seen her in public a few times since that time with her and Kier. Once at the shop and the other time walking out of the pub with Kier. I hadn't been back there. I couldn't cope with seeing him until now.

I was on my way into town after visiting my parents and having Sunday lunch with them. I had a mixtape from my teenage years playing quietly in the car.
"He can't have been that bothered about your return, he hasn't called" Rachael's voice piped up from the passenger seat next to me. I didn't take my eyes off the road ahead of me, I still didn't like driving these country roads. 
"I didn't give him my number. I didn't want him to able to contact me" I told her and she rolled her eyes, everting her gaze from me to outside the window that she had her head rested against. I know she was in my head but she seemed so real. I pulled up in the car park around the back of The Cavalier. Rachael watched me get out of the car and lock it before heading inside.

It was quiet, even for a Sunday afternoon. Kier was behind the bar, drying a glass with a beer towel, another slung over his shoulder. He was wearing a patterned button up shirt and his black jeans clung tightly to his legs. I went up to the bar slowly and put my hands down, my hands loosely in fists. Kier smiled when he saw me.
"Laurence! I haven't seen you in over a month. Thought you might have run away again" He chuckled but soon stopped when he realised that I wasn't amused.
"What's up? Come on I'll get you a drink" he put down the glass he was drying and grabbed another, pouring me a pint. I just kept my steady glare at him which was beginning to unnerve him. He set the pint in front of me and smiled awkwardly.
"How long have you been dating Rachael?" I asked slowly and clearly.
"What? How the Hell did you find out?" A look of confusion and slight panic took over his face.
"I saw you two kissing, down by the cemetery. That was our place" I snarled. Kier took a step back.
"Laurence, you left. She was heartbroken."
"She broke up with me" I raised my voice sub-consciously. Kier sighed and shook his head.
"She didn't want to"
"Then let me have her back" I stared him in the eyes. This was no longer the person I used to run around and get drunk with when I was a teenager. He wasn't the person I used to sit with under that same tree and talk about how we wanted to grow old together or the person I would spend hours in the cemetery with. He was colder, darker that I could ever have imagined.
"We've been married for fourteen years Laurence." My heart fell from my chest and down through the floor. Kier looked emotionless.

"You... you knew I loved her Kier..."
"You weren't here, what was I supposed to do? Wait for you to come back? Just wait until you grew the fuck up and stopped running away from your problems. That's what we were to you wasn't it? Just fucking problems" I picked up the pint and threw it in his general direction before leaving.
"That's right! Run away again!" Kier yelled after me.

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