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"Aw'right Bevers" Kier said to me as he opened Shane's front door.
"Can I not answer my own front door?" Shane greeted me on the stairs with a smile.
"Nope" Kier went through to the kitchen.
"He walks around like he owns the place" Shane shook his head and followed him. I went through to the living room, Hendrix was lying on the sofa, but soon got up as he saw me.
"Hey boy" I stroked around his ears. "Where's your folks Barrone?"
"They're away" He called from the kitchen. I heard him scolding Kier, who was trying to take some of the food we had for that night.
"We have the place to ourselves" Kier sauntered through, petting Hendrix on the way to the sofa.
"Are you packed for college?" I asked Shane, he nodded.
"I just hope Drew is as organised as me"
"Probably not" Kier chipped in. He was most likely right. Drew was one of the least organised, along with Kier. "At least two of us are getting out of this dead-end town"
"What is it with you pop-punk boys wanted to get out of the towns you live in" Shane shook his head, sitting down next to Kier.
"It's in the blood, man"
"You make it sound like a condition" I said, looking at the slouched brown-haired boy.
"It is"
"As much as you would have liked to be, you were not born pop-punk" Kier punched Shane lightly on the arm and we all laughed.

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