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After unpacking my things, I headed down into town. I had a little glimmer of hope of seeing Kier or my other old friends. But on the other hand, I hoped I didn't. I didn't care to explain where I had been for twenty years. The market was on as it was a Saturday. There was a stall that sold sweets and Kier and I would go there and spend the two pound pocket money we got a week. Life is so simple when you're ten.

I knew when I pulled up to my parent's front door that nothing had changed. I had bought a pie to take for tea round theirs. They had no idea I was coming. I closed the car door gently, not slamming it like my usual careless self would have done. I always got told off for slamming doors when I was younger. The old brass doorknocker was still hanging squiffy on the green door. That made me smile a little. I lifted the knocker, lighter than I had remembered, and put it down again hard against the door. My mum came on the third knock. Her face was vacant until we locked eyes.
"Laurence?" She whispered. I gave her a wide smile and she pulled me into her now frail arms. She began weeping into my shoulder and I patted her back.
"Let's go inside"

The house was just as I remembered it but smelt a little musty. I went straight through to the living room. My dad was sitting in his chair.
"Dad..." he turned and his face lit up with joy when he saw me. He'd lost weight since I'd left. His skinny legs didn't look like they'd carry his bony frame but, alas, they did. He gave me a tight hug, I spotted my mum wiping her eyes on a tissue that had been concealed in her sleeve. There was a small dog bed beside my dad's chair.
"Do you have a dog now?" I asked just a stumpy-legged white dog waddled in and ran to my ankles.
"This is Bertie" my mum told me, she touched my forearm, not quite believing I was there.
"You still haven't grown into your body, Laurence" my dad poked my side, right where Kier had always done. I smiled a little awkwardly and racked my brains for a topic of conversation. I bit my lip. "Does Kier still live around here?"

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