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Rachael sat in the front with me, Ashleigh sat in the back. Both were silent as the mixtape played. I tried to make conversation to make the air a bit less tense but Rachael beat me to it.

"Why did you come back Laurence?" Her voice shook when she spoke. I looked at her.
"What was left here for you?" She asked, I just looked back at the wheel. Why did I come back? What did I have left? Friends?

"Come together boys, make it a nice one" Kier's mum called, waving her arm to get us to come and stand together. Kier grabbed my arm and pulled me along. Drew threw his short arms around Shane's shoulders and messed up his fringe.
"Drew!" They laughed. Kier pushed me into Luke before jumping on my back.
"Kier, behave" His mum scolded but a smile appeared on her face.
"Come on mum!" Kier shouted. Shane sorted out his fringe and Drew flashed a cheeky grin over his shoulder. Luke put his fingers up behind Drew's head and Kier cupped my face with his hands. She pressed he button. That moment was forever captured.

We pulled up at the cemetery. Rachael looked straight out of the front window. Not scared, just... confused. Shocked. I got out of the car and went around to the boot, getting out the cricket bat. I saw the look on Ashleigh's face. Horror. Out of the corner of my eye was the teenage Rachael who I loved. In the car was the adult Rachael that my best friend had taken from me.
"Mum.... Ashleigh said quietly. But Rachael couldn't turn around fast enough. I grabbed her daughter from the car and threw her down to the dusty floor. Rachael screamed. The wooden bat made a crunch as it made contact with Ashleigh's skull. And again. And again. And again. Both Rachael's were screaming and crying. She was in shock. I dragged Ashleigh out of the way, blood going everywhere and beginning to dry on my jeans and arms.
"Laurence! Stop!" Rachael screamed as I pulled her out of the car too. She fell to my feet in tears. She reached for her daughter's corpse but I held her hand.
"I could be just us, like the good old days" I grinned. The horror across her face was enough. I couldn't help myself from laughing.
"This isn't you." Teenage Rachael choked out through tears. My hallucination was crying. "It's him"
"What?" I coughed.
"The Watcher. He did the same. Killed to try and make himself feel whole. Get revenge."
"He killed two kids that he never met" I argued. Rachael was trying to get away but I grabbed the back of her shirt, making her yelp.
"He still killed..." I looked between the two girls and then at the body on the floor. I felt no guilt. None whatsoever. I pulled Rachael so that she was facing me and placed my lips onto her's for one last time.
"I love you Rachael" I whispered to her.
"Rot in hell" Crunch.

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