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I feared the worse by the way Shane had reacted. Luke and Drew were strong. I tried to think on the positive side. I hadn't talked to Luke for at least a year but in his last email I remember him saying that things with Abby were going South and he was loosing custardy of their son. Drew on the other hand. The last time I saw him was before him and Shane went to college.

Luke let me into Shane's house and I followed him upstairs. Shane and Drew were packing for college, Kier was hungover on Shane's bed.
"Hey guys" I sat on the end of the bed, waking Kier up.
"Fuck off Laur" He rubbed his head.
"Someone got too drunk last night?" I laughed a little. It wasn't often Kier wasn't drunk nowadays. Shane folded a shirt as Luke passed him down another.
"Gin mostly" Drew said, grabbing some socks from his backpack and putting them into his case. Kier flipped him off and Drew grinned.
"It's gonna be really odd with you two gone" Luke said, his head in the wardrobe. I nodded in agreement.
"Well, we'll be back for Christmas" Shane replied, pushing up his glasses. Kier flopped his head into the pillow.
"You won't forget us, will you?" Drew asked with some concern in his voice.
"Hell no" I reassured him with a smile, stroking Kier's leg as I did so. "I couldn't forget either of you"

I set the rat traps that afternoon. I needed sleep more often. "I love you Laurence Beveridge" My head would go dizzy at random moments that would go away just as randomly. The way Shane looked when I saw him. So skinny. So tired. Where was Drew? Was he still alive? If he wasn't, what happened? I needed to find Kier again.

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