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"Wh-what..." The words tumbled out of my mouth.
"I'm moving out of town... It'd be best if we broke up..."
"Rachael..." She jumped off the wall, dodging my hand that was reaching out to grab her floral dress so she wouldn't leave me. She didn't utter another word. The blue eyed girl jumped into her car and drove away. I stared blankly down at my black boots. She was gone. Without an explanation, my girlfriend of four years walked away from me.

I don't know how long I sat there but when I came to my senses, it was dusk. The cemetery was comforting in some strange way. My dad had been right, I was a demonic kid. I had always enjoyed a good old funeral. Jumping off the brick wall and landing with a heavy thud on the ground, I started walking around the graveyard. I had studied the stones all before. The last person to be buried in this particular graveyard was that of Luke Arch. He was buried here in 1954. So this place had been out of use for fifty-two years. I wandered around a bit more looking at the dried, crusted remains of flowers in the little pots beside the gravestones. It was sad that this place had been forgotten about really. I lived in a small town so I was surprised that there wasn't someone to care for at least most of the graves.  As usual, the watchers house had no lights on apart from the soft yellow glow of a burning out bulb in the top left window. Nobody dared to venture up there, to the house atop the hill. Nobody was even sure if they'd ever seen the guy as nobody went to the house out of pure fear.

I did eventually head home. My parents didn't stay up anymore. They assumed I'd be out with Rachael until gone past midnight. I was out gone midnight but not with Rachael. I'd put a lot of thought into this on the way home and decided to leave this town. Not in search for my ex-girlfriend, I just needed to leave this town. How pop-punk of me. I crept up the stairs, the wood groaning under my weight as usual, there was nothing I could do to prevent this, everyone in my family were a little too heavy. It was in the genes I suppose. My room was neatly sorted as it always was. My Starwars figures lined the top and middle rows of my bookshelves, the second shelf was lined with comics, shit like Marvel, DC, some crappy spin-off ones me and my best friend Kier made when we were eleven. I never saw him anymore. He was always off trying to pull the girls. I couldn't talk any sense into him, the poor women were just not interested in the tall brown-haired Beccles boy. I browsed along my desk, looking at all the framed photographs of me and my old friends. Shane and Drew had moved away to go to music college. They lived in a small flat together and we doing pretty well for themselves. Luke, he was still here. I was closest with him nowadays. And even then, I only saw him about once every two weeks. The picture of us five in Kier's back garden when we were fourteen reduced me to tears. I missed them so fucking much.

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