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Bang. Scratch. Bang. Bang. "Laurence!" Bang.

I woke up with my head spinning. The room swayed. I hadn't drunk anything last night so why? There was scratching all around me. I struggled my way along to the bathroom where I threw up the content of my stomach into the toilet.

I heard my dad getting up as I was folded over with my head in the toilet bowl. I'd been sitting here for three hours now, drifting in and out of sleep and throwing up at random intervals. My dad pushed the creaky door open with a single finger and knelt down next to me.
"Too much alcohol?" I nodded. "Well, there's a first time for everything Laurence. At least it happened in a safe place." He rubbed my back.
"I'm sorry" I choked out before vomiting again.
"For what?" I racked my brains to give him the best answer. What was I sorry for? Being a bad son? Going out and getting drunk when I was fifteen? Shit talking about my parents to my friends?
"Sorry for waking you up" my dad chuckled.
"I've been awake for a while, Laur, don't worry about it. We'll not tell your mum about this yeah?" I just nodded before chucking up again.

I checked my phone after waking up on the bathroom floor. It was 11:35. How long had I been out? Fuck knows but I needed to get out of the house. It was driving me to insanity.

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