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"Laurenceee" Kier chanted, swaying up the road, holding my hand. Shane and Drew were about a meter in front of us and Luke trailing behind with his girlfriend Abby.
"Yes Kier?" I giggled as his intoxicated acts. He gripped my hand tighter.
"I love you Lawwy" I held my alcohol well and didn't act as bad as Kier. For being the biggest drinker out of our group, his body didn't react well with it. We were walking back to Shane's as crashing there was the easiest. I didn't respond to him quick enough and he let me know by calling out my name again.
"Laurenceee!" Kier called, too loud for half past eleven at night.
"Kier, quieten down" His legs were crumbling beneath him and I struggled to keep the boy upright. I turned to Luke, giving him a look of desperation and he jogged ahead to help me.

Getting Kier into Shane's house was easier said than done. He was swaying like a pendulum, walking into walls, almost knocking over a vase full of flowers. Luke grabbed it before it plummeted to the floor. Kier was careless, loud and unfortunately, full of energy. Eventually, we got him to the sofa and he passed out. I must have dosed off because Drew was tapping my arm.
"Pizza?" He asked me, I rubbed my eyes and looked to my lap, Kier's head was resting on it, his mouth slightly open. I nodded. In my drunken state, I was pretty hungry. Drew rested his head on my shoulder and yawned. Shane dialled the pizza number and Abby was sleep with her head on Luke's shoulder, they were curled up in the arm chair. I stroked Kier's hair. I found him adorable, more so intoxicated. Drew caught me looking lovingly at him and glanced up at me, yet said nothing.

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