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I'd been driving for five hours, pretty spaced out. "I love you... but this can't go on...". I suddenly occurred to me that I had no destination. I was aimlessly driving. And my aimless driving was running me out of petrol. I pulled into the first petrol station I saw. After filling up, I went in to pay. The shop was quiet, only the hum of a radio. The man behind the counter was watching me. I grabbed some crisps and a bottle of coke before going to pay. He looked tired.
"It's a bit early for you to be out isn't it?" His voice was rough, like Kier's was after a night of heavy drinking. He looked at me, taking in my youthful look. I didn't give him an answer and paid him what I owed and left.

"I can't believe we're off to college tomorrow" I awoke to Drew talking to who I could only assume was Shane.
"Yeah I know. Getting out of this wreck of a town" Shane replied. I sat up from my sleeping bag on the floor. We had all slept in Shane's parent's living room.
"Jesus, you look rough Laur" Drew commented, I rubbed my eyes and ran my hand through my black hair. We'd had a night of heavy drinking so my head was a bit fuzzy. Kier was completely out of it on the sofa, his mouth wide open, a bottle of gin still in his hand. Luke shifted in his sleep, elbowing me in the side.
"Is there any breakfast?" I ask. "And some paracetamol" Shane laughed a little, getting up.
"Yeah come with me"

I was starting to drift in and out of sleep so I thought it best to stop. I pulled into a motel and decided to sleep off the guilt that was started to creep into me from leaving everything I ever knew behind without a second thought.

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