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I had found Kier's address from my mum. She was still good friends with Kier's parent's so she had his address, for what I can only assume would be a Christmas card list? Rachael was quiet as I packed a shovel an cricket bat into the boot of my car. She didn't interrupt, just observed. I didn't know if she knew what I had in mind or not. She couldn't stop me anyway, she was in my imagination. I had Kier's address on the small piece of paper on my dashboard.
"You don't want to do this" Rachael told me, I'd learnt to ignore her.

I knocked on the door of the Kemp's place. They hadn't done bad for themselves. A kid answered the door. She was about sixteen, black hair, a Metallica tank top, ripped jeans and worn boots. She looked confused at my presence.
"Hello? Can I help?" She spoke like Kier.
"Is your mum in?"
"Who's asking?" She was holding the door nervously, I unleased her.
"It's best if she didn't know my name." The girl retreated into the house and Rachael came back. She looked over me like she'd never lain eyes on my before.
"Hello, can I help you sir?" her voice sent chills through my body. Time hadn't changed it much.
"Hey Rachael...." She looked confused. "It's Laurence" She looked me in the eyes, confused.
"Laurence left a long time ago, I don't know who you are but you can't be him. He's gone. Please don't come back here" She began to close the door but I put my hand against it.
"Can you please leave?" She sounded like she was nearly crying.
"Rachael, it's me. Just look carefully" She opened the door again and looked me over once more. She didn't hug me like I was expecting, hoping for. She just stood there.
"Where did you go that night Laur?"
"Away. You moved on though. Got married, had a kid. It all worked out for you... Do you wanna... for once last time, come to the cemetery with me? You can bring your daughter too" Rachael looked unsure yet sorry for me.

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