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With the majority of my stuff stuffed packed into the boot of my car, I turned to look at the house, zipping my hoodie up. Would I regret this? Probably, if truth be told but that wasn't going to stop me. I closed my car door as quietly as I could. It was freezing. The clock glowed red, 1:15 AM. The date was 16/08/06. I turned the key in the ignition, I was still facing the house. Tears began to form in my eyes and I reversed out of the drive.

"See you around" I muttered, taking one last look at the house I had grown up in with my best friends.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Drew's pubescent voice echoed in the hallways of my house. I was curled up in my wardrobe, well the best I could be. I hadn't really "grown into my skin" as my mum put it. Basically, I was a chunky kid. I heard Drew running down the corridor towards my room. There was someone else in my room, I wasn't sure who. There was a bit of shuffling.
"Found you!" Drew cheered.
"Aw, Drew!" It was Luke. There was some mumbling and the wardrobe door flew open.
"Found you, Laur!"He cheered again. I held my hand out for help up.
"How did you fit in there?" Kier asked, appearing from the doorway, his brown fringe flopping in his right eye.
"Don't be horrible" Drew said to him, pulling me out with a little struggle.
"Will we still be friend like this in a few years?" Asked Shane, appearing behind Kier, he must have gotten bored of hiding.
"I don't see why not. We're eleven now so why would we stop being friends?" Kier grinned, looking at all our faces.

I drove passed Kier's house, his bedroom light was on. The shadow of him sitting at his computer was visible through his curtains. Fuck, I was gonna miss him. That didn't stop me. I kept driving, no want or need to return to this place. I chuckled to myself, this had to have been the most pop-punk thing I'd ever done in my life. When Kier and I were fifteen, we had this thing going on were we'd try to "out-pop-punk" each other.

There was a heavy bang on the front door and I sighed, getting up from my desk. I heard my mum greeting Kier downstairs.
"My Gosh, what have you done to your hair?" What had he done to his hair? Then I saw it. The back was his natural brown, that wasn't the part that bothered me. It was the rest of it. There was a bleached blond strip separating his back from his bright red fringe.
"What the fuck" I laughed.
"Do you like it?" He put one hand on his hip and posed which had me in stitches. We went up to my room.
"What happened to your posters?" Kier sat down, crossing his legs on my bed.
"I took them down" My room had been covered in band posters like Led Zepplin and The Sex Pistols and so on.
"I think I definitely win this pop-punk war, bud" Kier laughed.

"I think I win now, Kier" I muttered.

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