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"Babe" Rachael pushed my hand away slightly. We were lying in the grass under the oak in the cemetery on a sunny, hot summer's day.
"But your hair is so soft" I tell her, looking up at her. She was sitting back with his arms holding her torso up from the ground. The sunlight was shining off his conditioned hair, her eye liner was perfect and her lip balm of a pastel shade of pink was perfectly applied.
"Do you fancy travelling one day?" She looked off into the distance. I looked off in the same direction.
"I dunno. Kier always talks about that. He wants to leave cause he says it's a pop-punk thing"
"Will you not go on about Kier so much?" Rachael played with the grass her hand was resting on.
"I know he's your best friend but you barely saying a sentence that doesn't involve him"
"I'm sorry" She patted my sweaty black hair.
"Where do you wanna go?" She asked me, moving my hair to make it look neat. I thought for a good few seconds.
"I'm not sure. Somewhere abroad"
"You're welcome" I grinned up at her before propping myself up alongside her.
"You're so cute when you smile" She told me, I looked down, I didn't think so. I hated just about every cell that made up my existence. She pulled up my chin with his finger and kissed me.
"I love you Laurence Beveridge"
"I love you Rachael Abbert"

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