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Mihee was now sitting at her desk in school, thinking about what Yoongi said the day before.

"Because, you're different."

"Aish." Mihee ran her hands through her hair, she was confused.

Yoongi walked in and flashed a smile at Mihee, "You okay? You look frustrated."

Jeongja glared at Yoongi, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not here for you, sweety." Yoongi said, "I'm here for Mihee." He took Mihee's wrist and dragged her out of the class.

"Don't call me sweety!" Jeongja shouted.

Mihee pulled her wrist away, "Yah! Class is about to start!"

"In ten minutes, that's all I need." Yoongi said.

"Why did you drag me out here?" Mihee sighed.

"I wanted to continue yesterday's convo. You ran off after I said you were different!" Yoongi exclaimed.

Mihee scoffed, "I'm different, right? Is it because I don't dress like a girl and my favorite color is black? So you don't like girls like that? I'm weird to you."

Yoongi shook his head, "I never ever said that. All I said was that you're different."

"Wh-whatever." Mihee stuttered, "But why'd you take sudden interest in me? Am I your next target? I don't want to be... no matter how much I like you." Mihee said the last part softly.

"Because, I'm free from those girls now. They're bitches. You aren't." Yoongi said.

"You know you just called my best friend a bitch, right?"

"Huh? Ah! She's the least bitchy of them all, but to be honest, she's rude. I can't believe a nice girl like you are friends with her." Yoongi said.

"She's rude? More like you're a jerk! She isn't rude! She's the nicest girl on the planet!" Mihee yelled.

"You obviously don't know the real her then."

"Why did you only date bitches, as you call them, if you don't even like them?" Mihee asked.

"There's a reason... anyway, you're different though." Yoongi assured.

"Aish! Flirting again, I see." Hoseok, one of Yoongi's friends, walked up and slung an arm around Yoongi's shoulder.

"Hell no. Like I'd ever let A Playboy flirt with me!" Mihee said.

"Playboy? Ha! Hyung, you're labeled as a playboy!" Jimin ran up, laughing his butt off.

Mihee rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Please do not talk to me again. Class is starting." She walked into the classroom.

After class ended, Mihee walked out with Jeongja.

"Yah! Mihee, come hang out with us!" Yoongi fast walked to the two, "Jeongja can too now that we're friends."

"Do you think I really want to hang out with you?" Mihee snapped.

"Come on, Mihee. Yoongi and I are friends, we should go. It's lunch time anyway." Jeongja said.

"Alright..." Mihee sighed, let's go."

As the nine of them, Yoongi's friends, Mihee and Jeongja, sat together on a rug in the courtyard, Yoongi glanced at Mihee who wasn't eating.

"Yah, why aren't you eating?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm not hungry." Mihee smiled politely, deciding she'd rather be friends with Yoongi then be his target.

"If you say so." Yoongi shrugged, taking a bite of his kimbap.

"Mihee never eats unless it's breakfast, but even if she does eat, she-"

"Jeongja! Don't tell them." Mihee shouted.

"Wow, you shout a lot. You and Hoseok should be friends." Taehyung laughed.

Mihee glared at the younger, "Shut up."

"How old are you anyway, Mihee?" Jin asked.

"Me? I'm twenty two..." Mihee answered.

"So you're just a year younger then Yoongi. That's his ideal age." Namjoon smiled.

"His ideal age rages from 15-36 year olds." Jimin stated out.

"Really? 36? Anyone that age would've been in middle school by the time you were born." Mihee tried not to laugh.

"Shut up. It doesn't matter anyway, it's just an age." Yoongi shrugged.

"Right, one of the girls you flirted on while dating me was a 28 year old." Jeongja pointed out.

"Omo, really?" Mihee chuckled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Can we stop talking about me?"

"Right! We should start talking about Mihee! You never invited a girl to lunch unless you guys were already dating, that's special." Jungkook exclaimed.

Mihee felt heat rise up on her face. And she could feel a glare coming from Jeongja. Why? Why would her best friend be jealous?
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