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It had been a week that Mihee had been missing school, just sitting and watching shows or studying.

Yoongi even decided to stay with her and she was fine with that, so he hadn't been to class either.

"You feeling better?" Yoongi asked as Mihee watched Tomorrow With You on the television.

Mihee shrugged, "I feel like I can go back to class without being afraid as long as I'm with you or the others or Rin... not Jeongja though."

"Obviously not Jeongja." Yoongi chuckled.

"Do you have any classes without one of us in it?" Yoongi asked.

"Just one. It's my stupid mandatory math class." Mihee sighed, "But I'll be able to handle it."

Yoongi nodded, "Then let's go back to class tomorrow."

"Alright." Mihee smiled causing Yoongi to smile too, "By the way, I found out what I want to be while watching this drama."

"What do you want to be?" Yoongi asked.

"A screenwriter."

"Sounds good. I could handle having a screenwriter as a wife." Yoongi said.

Mihee's eyes widened, "What the hell, Yoongi?!"

"I was kidding." Yoongi's smiled faded and he looked down.

"Okay." Mihee chuckled.


The next morning, Yoongi was putting on his jacket when Mihee came out of the bathroom, "Uh. I'm going to stay away from class again."

"Come on, Mihee. You've missed too much. I thought you said you wanted to graduate early."  Yoongi sighed.

"I'm not feeling well. I actually just uh threw up..." Mihee said, embarrassed.

"Did you eat? Is the medicine not working?"

"I haven't ate at all today." Mihee shook her head.

"Fine. But I need to go to class." Yoongi said, "Uh... just rest, okay?"

Mihee nodded, "Alright."

During the day, Mihee spent it alone, feeling like fucking shit.

While she was bundled up in a blanket, there was a knock at the door.

"W-who is it?"

"It's Jin. Yoongi told me that he was worried about you but couldn't miss anymore classes so I came." Jin said.

Mihee opened the door, "Come in."

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Not really. I can't figure out what's wrong." Mihee sighed.

"Oh... here, Yoongi told me to give this to you, he told me to tell you to open it in the bathroom when you're by yourself." Jin handed a wrapped box to the latter.

"I'll go right now. I'll be right back." Mihee said and went into the bathroom, locking the door.

She unwrapped the box; in there were three pregnancy tests and a note.

The note said: In case that fucking dumbass of a bitch idiot didn't use protection when you know what happened. Just check. There's three in case one turns out to be false. Maybe it's the reason you're feeling sick... I hope not.
-Min Genius~ I mean Min Yoongi.

Mihee chuckled a bit at the last thing on the note.

Then she decided to take a pregnancy test.

While she was waiting, she stepped outside the bathroom, "Sorry you had to come all the way here to just give me that."

"It's fine. What was it anyway?"

"Uh..." Mihee was hesitant to tell, "Just a present."

"Oh. Well. May I use the restroom while I'm here?" Jin asked, walking towards the bathroom, walking in.

"Ah! Wait-" Mihee shouted, but it was too late.

"What's this?" Jin pointed at the test.

"It's a pregnancy test..."

"Woah. This is the first time Yoongi got anyone pregnant... it's positive by the way." Jin informed. Mihee's eyes widened and she went to see if he was telling the truth.

He was.

She couldn't tell Jin that it wasn't Yoongi because she was way too embarrassed to casually tell anyone what actually happened.

"Maybe this is wrong. I can take another one. But you can go to the restroom first." Mihee said.

Jin shook his head, "Never mind. I'll go out and pick you up some soup. Yours and Yoongi's baby will want something good." He said then rushed out.

Fuck. It's not Yoongi's... although... I wouldn't mind.

"Damnit. What am I thinking?" Mihee asked herself.

Instead of taking one more test, Mihee took two.

They all came out positive.

Mihee was about to break down crying when she found out, but she didn't. She just sat on the bed, staring off into space. Hoping her whole future didn't get ruined because of this.

The door open making Mihee came back with the soup, but it was Yoongi.

"Hey, did you get uh... my present?" Yoongi asked.

Mihee didn't answer to that question, all she said was, "There must be a reason you call yourself Min Genius." She then held up one of the positive tests.

Yoongi bit his lip, not knowing what to say.

"Jin thinks you're the father by the way. I'll tell him soon what happened, don't worry." Mihee assured.

That's when Yoongi smirked, "Why can't I be the father?"
Please Comment And Vote~ it's the end of my birthday and I got nothing.

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