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The man that Mihee didn't know, shut off the lights and grabbed her wrists to prevent her from resisting.

She couldn't move, he was stronger then her. He pinned her onto one of the beds and started to attack with his lips. Placing kisses everywhere he could.

"Stop-" Mihee was cut off by the lips on hers again. She tried her best to push him away but couldn't.

Where is Min Yoongi... where is he?

The man unbuckled his pants, making sure Mihee was trapped.

Mihee closed her eyes, "Please don't."

But it was too late...

No matter how much she resisted and shouted for help, the man had raped her...

As the man was still doing what he was doing, with the worst part already done, the lights turned on and Mihee heard a loud, "You fucking asshole! Get off of her!"

The man was shoved off of her and Mihee immediately covered herself with the blanket, crying.

She peeked her head out of the blanket and saw Yoongi repeatedly punching the guy.

Mihee would've stopped him, but she felt like the man deserved it.

Yoongi pulled out a knife, holding up the knife, pretty much ready to stab the guy. But his hand was stopped from moving.

He turned his head around to see Mihee wrapped up in a blanket, grabbing his wrist, "Punch him all you want, but don't kill him."

Yoongi released the collar of the stranger and he ran off shouting, "Crazy guy!"

"A-are you okay?" Yoongi stuttered put.

"Do I look alright?" Mihee snapped, tear stains on her cheek, her hair all messed up, "Where were you? Why weren't you here when I came back and how did that guy get in here?"

"I went to... to Jeongja's dorm. I wanted her to forgive you so you would feel more comfortable at a girl's dorm. But she still refused. And I must've left the dorm unlocked. Some people must've saw you go in here and that psychopath was one of them..." Yoongi explained.

Mihee but her lip, trying to stop the tears from spilling, "I fucking hate my life." She mumbled and went into the bathroom to get changed.

When she came out, she immediately went under the covers.

"Mihee... I made you some ramyun. You should eat. The medicine should help you digest too..."  Yoongi said, sitting on her bed.

"Go away." Mihee ordered.


"Get off my bed!" She shouted. She looked at Yoongi and he could see the scared look in her eyes.

"Yah... I'm not like that guy. Don't be afraid."

"How would I know? You're a fucking Playboy. For all I know, maybe you have raped girls."

Yoongi sighed, "I've never raped. I never even fuck a girl unless they're my girlfriend or they wanna be fucked and they need to be taught a little lesson."

Mihee's eyes watered, "How do I know you aren't lying? I've heard so many rumors about you."

"I'm not lying. But I'll let you rest if that makes you feel better." He sat the bowl of ramyun on the desk and went to his bed.


The next morning, Yoongi couldn't convince Mihee to go to school.

"Fine then." He rolled his eyes and opened the door, about to leave.

Then he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind, "What's wrong...?"

"I don't want to be alone. I'm scared."

Yoongi closed the door, "Okay. I'll stay. Just go rest more."

"I'm not tired." Mihee said, pulling away.

"Then if you don't want to go to class, want to go to the movies?" Yoongi smirked.

Mihee shook her head, "I don't want to be around people I don't know."

Yoongi bit his lip, that man really traumatized her...

"All right. Let's watch some dramas then." Yoongi smiled.

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Victim Of A Playboy |M.YG|#WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now