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Mihee and Yoongi had been dating each other for a few weeks now, they even took it step up then just dating.

But Mihee still had something in her that made her suspicious.

"What are you studying?" Yoongi came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist, wet hair, and a tooth brush in his mouth.

"Literature. I need to know it to be a screenwriter."

"That's true. Aren't you planning on graduating next month?"

Mihee nodded, "That's why I need to study a lot."

"Lucky. I still have a year to go." Yoongi sighed.

"Go get dressed." Mihee ordered.

"Why? You're turned on by my non existent abs?"

"Pabo. Everyone has abs. Even you. They're just not visible." Mihee laughed.

"Meanie." Yoongi rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom to finish up.

While Yoongi was getting ready and Mihee was studying, there was a knock at the door.

The petite girl stood up and answered it, seeing a very beautiful and girly girl at the door, "Who you?"

"Who you? What type of wording is that?" The girl scoffed.

"Wording by a girl who's been around Yoongi too much." Mihee shrugged, not caring.

"I can see that. Why are you in Yoongi's dorm?"

"The real question is... who are you?"

The girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Yoongi's ex girlfriend."

Mihee chuckled, "Oh. One of those... I'm sorry, but Yoongi isn't interested in you. You see, he probably never even liked you. I'm his longest relationship so far because I'm a real one. Not one of the fake-"

"I wasn't a fake and did he really tell you that you're his longest relationship so far?"

Mihee shook her head, "I just figured because I thought I was his first actual girlfriend that he wasn't trying to tease or give heartbreak."

"You aren't. I was his first ever girlfriend back in high school. We lasted for six months."

"What's your name anyway?" Mihee rose her eyebrow.

"Kim Jiwon. I'm the same age as Yoongi, few months older."


"Jiwon. Leave us alone." Yoongi walked up and shut the door on her.

"I thought I was your only real girlfriend. I thought all the others were just people you played with." Mihee said, "Now I find out you're first girlfriend was actually someone you loved. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why does it matter? You're the one who I love now. You're the one who even said you're a victim of a Playboy not a target. Plus, she's the reason I became a Playboy." Yoongi pulled Mihee into a hug, "Don't be jealous."

Mihee sighed, "How'd she make you like that?"

"Because, she's the first to break my heart. We dated. I thought she was a caring nice girl. But she's like Jeongja, it was all a cover up. About five months after we started dating, she showed me her true colors. Rude and mean. She ordered me around like a slave too. Then she broke up with me a month after. I was glad I was out of that hell, but it made me want to ruin every other bitchy girl out there since I couldn't make her suffer."


"Then I met you... and I didn't want to make you suffer, I just wanted to make you mine. I hope you won't turn out like Jiwon."

Mihee looked up at Yoongi and pecked his lips, "I promise I won't."

Should there be a baby Yoongi? ;)

Victim Of A Playboy |M.YG|#WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now