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Please Comment And Vote~ answer my A/N at the end.
"Min Fucking Yoongi! I fucking hate you!" Mihee grabbed a pillow and threw it at the boy who had just walked into the dorm.

Yoongi caught the pillow and threw it back, "We're six weeks into our relationship. I kept my promise of not cheating on you. Why do you hate me?"

"Cause-" Mihee started but then shut up, calming down, "N-nevermind."

"You okay?" Yoongi asked.

Mihee nodded, "Y-yeah. Oh and... I don't feel like doing anything tonight."

"Hm? Ah! You're on your monthly? I understand that, we don't have to-"

"No! I'm not! I just don't feel like it, ok?"

"Fine." Yoongi sighed, "It's not like we have to."

Mihee nodded, "I'm Uhm... thinking of moving back with my parents once I graduate."

"Understandable. Give me your address and I'll come visit and stuff every break."

"Breaks won't be enough..."


"It'd be enough if the relationship was just us two but-"

"What the hell? It's not like we're in a threesome."

"That's not what I mean!" Mihee shouted, "I think I'm going to stay in Rin's dorm tonight, I doubt her roommate would mind." Therefore, she packed her bags and left.

"What made her so grouchy?" Yoongi mumbled to himself.


About an hour later, Mihee came back, "Taehyung is staying at her dorm tonight... I can't stay there."

"Fine with me. How about you sleep with me tonight?"

"No, you pervert. I'm sleeping in my own bed." Mihee crawled into her bed and pulled up the covers.

"Is everything okay?"

"I told you yes."

"You sure?"

"Goddamnit Yoongi! You're the one who made me like this even though you knew I wanted a normal fucking college life!"

Yoongi's eyes widened, "What?"

"You're the one who made me pregnant a second time! I'm pregnant, Yoongi. With your kid!" Mihee finally admitted.

Yoongi blinked, "Really? I'm sorry..."

"Don't say sorry. I'm not that mad. I actually am happy. At least I'll graduate before I have a baby bump." Mihee chuckled.

Before she knew it, she felt arms wrap around her.

"When you graduate, we'll move into an apartment together, alright? Our child and us."

Mihee smiled, "Alright."

Sorry for shortness.
Btw should my next fanfic be another Yoongi one? Or should I be Jimin, Jin, Jungkook, or Taehyung?

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