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"Yoonha, get off me." Yoongi shoved the girl away.


Is that an ex if his? Mihee couldn't help thinking.

Yoonha pouted, "But it's been months since we saw each other."

"Because I'm in college."

Maybe she is his actual girlfriend...

"And? We're family. We deserve to see each other." Yoonha rolled her eyes.


"We're cousins and we see each other at least once every six months if not more. Now leave, I'm busy."

"Let's go eat dinner together then I'll leave." She then looked over to Mihee, "You can bring your target along too."

"She's not my target. She's my friend." Yoongi said. Mihee lowered her head, feeling... relieved, yet sad.

"Surprising. You sure you don't have a crush on her?" Yoonha chuckled.

Yoongi stayed quiet for a second, "Let's go."


The three ended up going to the university's cafe.

Yoongi and Yoonha ordered food but Mihee didn't.

"You sure you don't want to eat? I'll pay." Yoongi suggested.

Mihee nodded, "I'm sure."

"Come on, I doubt you ate dinner yet. Just eat." Yoonha said.

Mihee shook her head and just headed to the table.

As they waited, they talked and talked until the food came. But three plates came.

"I ordered for you." Yoongi smiled.

Mihee sighed. She couldn't just turn it down.

The other two started to eat and Mihee just stared at her food.

To her surprise, Yoongi decided to feed her, "Say ah."

Mihee blushed a bit and took a bite, "I'll eat by myself."

So she did as she said and ate, but she focused on eating and not talking.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi finally asked after Mihee stayed silent.

Mihee nodded, "I need to go to the bathroom." She rushed to the bathroom to go... throw up.

Little did she know that Yoonha saw her.


Mihee went to the dorm before Yoongi and decided to study. She still hadn't decided on what she wanted to be.

All she knew was it had to be related to creative writing.

After studying for about half an hour, Yoongi came in with an unknown girl holding hands with him.

Mihee looked up from the desk and rolled her eyes, "I see you have a new girlfriend."

"Oops. Are you upset?" Yoongi asked and the girl looked confused, "Since you're my girlfriend too..."

Mihee understood what was going on right away.

She decided to go on with the act, "I can't believe you cheated on me! And to think I was gonna share a dorm!" She said and walked out, proud that she could help.

From outside the dorm, she could hear the girl yelling at Yoongi then a slapping noise. The door swung open and she stormed out. That was Mihee's cue to go in.

"Did she slap you?" Mihee couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm used to it." Yoongi shrugged.

"When did you start dating her?"

"Ten minutes ago. Yoonha introduced her to me and told me to make her my next target because she always cheated on guys."

Mihee nodded, "I see... well, I'm tired. Goodnight."

"Not so fast." Yoongi grabbed Mihee's wrist before she could go get ready.


"Tell me why you were puking earlier. Are you sick?" Yoongi asked.

"How do you know?" Mihee's eyes widened.

"Yoonha saw you and told me. I'll get you some medicine if you need me to. "

Mihee sighed, "Medicine won't help me."

"Why not?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm bulimic."

"Is that why you never eat? Because you end up puking it up?"

Mihee nodded, "Now I'd really like to go to bed so I can go to school tomorrow."

"You're going no where but the doctor tomorrow and I'm taking you."
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