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Please Comment And Vote~ i only pre wrote 5 chapters so after the fifth chapter, the chapters won't be updated this frequent XD

"Yah, Mihee. Don't look so down." Yoongi said as the girl in her beanie unpacked her clothes into Yoongi's dorm the next day.

"I'd rather not be living with you. Of course I'm upset." Mihee said.

"Don't worry, I live in the dorm by myself."

"That's the problem! I don't know what you'll do to me when I'm unguarded!" Mihee shouted.

Yoongi chuckled and lifted Mihee's face to look at him, "Awe, you really think I'm going to do something to you, cute. I told you, you're different then the other girls. I messed with them to give them punishment... heartbreak. I don't ever want to give you that feeling." He then realized what he was saying and took his hands off Mihee and cleared his throat, "Uhm, I got to go." He left the dorm.

Mihee stood here, frozen. Her cheeks burning hot. Yeah, she still had feelings for him. But why would she date a playboy? Or was he not a playboy anymore? Mihee was extremely confused about her feelings that she quickly unpacked and tried tot drink a cold drink to get rid of the heat in her face.

The words that Yoongi said to her lingered in her mind as she drank her iced coffee.

Heartbreak... I don't ever want to give you that feeling.

Mihee sighed, what was that even supposed to mean?

Later that day, Mihee was talking to some of her friends from class when Yoongi walked up to her, "Uh Mihee, may I talk to you?"

Mihee glanced at Yoongi, "I'm busy."

"Yah! Don't turn him down like that! Maybe if you talk to him now, he'll hook me up with Taehyung!" Rin, my foreign exchange friend from America, said. (if you haven't noticed, my name is rin... XD I'm not Japanese tho, it's just a nickname.)

"I highly doubt that." Mihee rolled her eyes.

"I could." Yoongi shrugged, "So come on, Mihee."

Mihee sighed and left the classroom to talk to Yoongi. Leaving Rin fangirling to herself.

"What do you want?" Mihee snapped.

"About the thing I said earlier... it doesn't mean I have feelings for you!" Yoongi exclaimed, making Mihee's heart drop a little.

"Th-then what does it mean?" She stuttered without meaning to.

"It means that you're my friend. And I don't want any of my friends feeling pain, unless it's small pain I cause, but not like heartbreak." Yoongi explained.

Mihee laughed, "You like causing pain?"

"No... not exactly. It's more like messing around, my friends understand... well more like I get grumpy so I may say rude things, but I wouldn't ever purposely hurt someone."

"Alright. Alright. I understand. And don't worry, I know you don't have feelings for me." Mihee said.

"Right..." Yoongi's voice lowered, not so sure of his feelings, "Well I'll see you later! I should go talk to Taehyung about your friend." Yoongi turned around but Mihee grabbed his wrist, "What?"

Mihee's eyes widened and she let go, "U-uh..." she paused a bit and smiled, looking into Yoongi's eyes, "I wanted to say thanks... Thank you for letting me stay at your dorm."
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Victim Of A Playboy |M.YG|#WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now