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Taehyung and Rin were talking as if they were best friends even though they just started talking a day ago.

Mihee sighed as she saw the two at another lunch table then her and Yoongi and the other five friends, "Looks like you really did hook them up."

Yoongi shook his head, "Actually I didn't say a word to him about her."

"Oh..." Mihee sighed, "Either way, they seem like they're having fun talking to each other, I wish I had someone like that."

"You could." Hoseok chuckled and glanced at Yoongi then back at Mihee.

Mihee rolled her eyes, "Ani! Not with a guy like him!"

"But didn't you have a crush on him before? Why not now?" Jin asked.

"Just shut up. I don't like him anymore." Mihee bit her lip, hoping they couldn't see through her lie.

"That's a shame." Yoongi fake pouted, but he really did seem sad..."Anyway, I still never see you eat, why is that?"

"Well, I need to go. It's already time for my next class." Mihee stood up, changing the topic real quick.

"Wait, we have the next class together." Yoongi stood up with her.

"We do? I didn't know that... then let's go together, I guess." Mihee shrugged and started to walk out with Yoongi following.

When they arrived, Yoongi chuckled, "Looks like my mistake, it's actually the next class that we have together, well I'll see you in an hour." Yoongi waved and walked away.

"Omo. Isn't that the playboy who messes around with tons of girls without giving a fuck." A girl whispered, "I can't believe Mihee is dating him."

"I'm not dating him. He's just a friend." Mihee said.

"Either way, he's probably all douchy towards you, right?" The girl asked.

Mihee shook her head, "He's not like that. He may be a little bit of an asshole, but I swear he isn't like that."

"Tell that to all the girls he fucked then broke up with them right after." The girl rolled her eyes and sat in her seat.

Mihee took a deep breath, was he really a douche?

As she sat down, she kept thinking about what the girl said. Maybe it was a bad idea that she hung out with him.

But then again, all the girls he fucked ,then left ,were bigger assholes then him.

He did it to get revenge.

Mihee sighed and dozed off during class.

"Myong Mihee! Wake up!" Mihee's teacher tapped her desk.

Mihee sat up straight and everyone was looking at her and laughing.

"You're in college. What the hell do you think you're doing sleeping in class?! I thought you were trying to graduate early!" Her teacher scolded.

Mihee nodded. It's true. She wanted to graduate early, "Sorry. I'm just a bit tired."

"Stay awake." The teacher warned and went back to teaching.

After all her classes,Mihee went straight to Yoongi's dorm.

"Hey Mihee." Yoongi said as she walked through the door.

"Hey..." She hesitantly said.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm still not used to being in here." Mihee chuckled, "Our beds are just a few feet away, it's a little uncomfortable."

"I can go sleep in Jin's dorm if you want." Yoongi offered.

That would make Mihee feel better but also worst for making Yoongi leave his own dorm.

"No. It's alright."

"Okay then. I'm going to go to the school's studio and work on some music. See you later." Yoongi stood up but stopped when Mihee grabbed his wrist.

"You work on music?"

"Yeah. Wanna come?"


The two walked into the studio and Yoongi logged onto one of the many school computers with his account.

Mihee pulled up a chair and watched as Yoongi made his own music.

"Here. Listen." Yoongi placed the headphones on Mihee, causing her cheeks to turn a bit red.

"It's great... you really should become a musician." Mihee smiled.

"Thanks." Yoongi nodded and took the headphones off.

"I should go and study now. Since I want to go and graduate early." Mihee stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Since when did you want to graduate early?" Yoongi rose an eyebrow.

"Since I got kicked out of my dorm." Mihee told him, "Also, I think I'm ready to have my own life."

"Are you ready for a family and life already?"

"I didn't mean family!" Mihee exclaimed, "I meant job... I'm ready for a job."

"Do you even know what you want to be?"

Mihee thought a bit, "Not really."

"Want me to help?" Yoongi offered.


When the two were done with being in the studio, they went to the career center.

"You could be a lawyer, doctor, musician, anything." Yoongi said as Mihee and him looked through certain information about certain careers, "What's your major?"

"I'm in Creative writing just like Rin."

"How would I know what Rin is in?"

Mihee shrugged, "Maybe Taehyung told you."

"He didn't. Anyway, I double major in music and creative writing and minor in photography, just so you know."

"That's tough. Why creative writing?" Mihee asked.

"You have to know how to write to write music, silly." Yoongi ruffled Mihee's hair.

Mihee lowered her head and fixed her hair as Yoongi scrolled through the pages of the jobs of Creative Writing.

That's when a girl walked up and wrapped her arms around Yoongi, "Hey Yoongi oppa!"

Mihee looked at the girl and sighed, Great... not another girl...
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