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"Yah! Jeongja! Wait for me!" Mihee shouted, running up to her best friend in the hallways of the school the next day.

"Aish! Leave me alone, won't you?" Jeongja snapped.

"W-what? Why? Why have you been ignoring me since yesterday?!"

"You're getting all of Yoongi's attention yet you're the one who introduced him to me. Why would you betray me like that?!"

"Wait... are you jealous? Of me?"

"Right... you could never get a date, I shouldn't be jealous of something like that." Jeongja crossed her arms and walked away.

"Told you she was a bitch." Yoongi walked up, wrapping an arm around Mihee.

Mihee pulled away, "Y-yeah... I know that now. She used to be so sweet, what happened?"

"It was a cover up from her real personality." Yoongi said, moving his arm away.

"Why'd you date her then?" Mihee asked.

"I date people like her to give them punishment called heartbreak, hoping it's change them. But I guess it didn't work." Yoongi shrugged, "I was going to target someone else, but then I talked to you."

Mihee looked down, "So I'm your new target?"

"Nope, you're my new crush."

"C-crush?" Mihee blushed immediately, "Stop messing around with me!"

"Alright, alright. I'll stop. So where are you going now?" Yoongi asked.

"My classes are over today, I'm gonna go to my dorm."

"Ah. Can I come?" Yoongi questioned.

Mihee raised her eyebrow, "Why?"

"Because I'm bored. Please." Yoongi begged.

Mihee rolled her eyes, "Sure, whatever."

The two went to Mihee's dorm together.

"Nice place, why are there two beds?" Yoongi asked.

"That's Jeongja's bed. I live with her." Mihee said.

"Oh... isn't she mad at you?"

Mihee nodded, "Because of you. But I'm sure she'll get over it."

At that moment, Jeongja opened the door, "Why is that slut here?" She asked.

"Rude." Yoongi scoffed.

"He wanted to come over, let's play some games together. I'm caught up on all my homework." Mihee suggested.

"No." Jeongja said sternly, "I don't want him or you in here."

"What do you mean? This is my dorm." Mihee stated.

"I don't care. I don't want to live with someone who stole my boyfriend."

Yoongi cleared his throat,"First of all, she didn't steal me, I never liked you in the first place. Second of all, Mihee and I are just friends."

"If you never liked me, why'd you date me?" Jeongja asked.

"Because I just wanted to mess around." Yoongi chuckled.

"Still, she stole you from me, she knows how much I liked you." Jeongja argued.

"Jeongja, this is my dorm, you can't kick me out." Mihee said, getting a bit upset.

"Oh yes I can." Jeongja took out Mihee's luggage, "Here, I already packed for you."

"Woah... now what?" Yoongi asked, actually interested.

Mihee sighed, "Jeongja, you know my parents live all the way in Daegu, I can't live with them."

Yoongi smiled, "That's my home city."

"Well too bad, looks like you'll have to quit college." She smirked, ignoring Yoongi, and opened the door, "Bye."

Mihee took her luggage, glaring at her old friend and walked out with Yoongi following.

"What are you going to do now?" Yoongi asked Mihee.

"I'm going to move back in with my parents...and since this college is far from my home, I'm going to stop coming to school."

"What? Just because you don't have a dorm, you're going to stop coming to school??" Yoongi exclaimed.

Mihee slowly nodded her head, "It's the only thing I can do, I guess I'll come back if I can find a home for me close to here."

Yoongi thought a bit and smiled, "How about you live in my dorm?"
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