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"See! We knew you were the father! And finally you two admitted you are dating." Hoseok exclaimed the next day at lunch.

That's right. The two decided to lie and say Mihee was pregnant because of Yoongi. And they have officially started dating.

The dating part isn't a lie.

But Mihee couldn't help but be worried.

What if Yoongi cheated on her like all the other girls?

She was really worried.

"Mihee. I'm so happy for you." Rin smiled as she sat by Taehyung.

"Thanks... but I'd rather not be pregnant. I'm still in school." She sighed.

"Me too. I'm not ready to be a father." Yoongi agreed.

Mihee shot him a glare. What the fuck? He's the one who asked if he could be my kid's father.

Wait... maybe it's an act.

"You won't go cheating on her like you do with the others, right?" Namjoon stated.

Yoongi fell silent.

Then he sighed, "I won't. Especially in this situation."


After classes had ended, Mihee had went to the dorm immediately.

"Why are you so upset all of a sudden?" Yoongi asked, following.

"What's with that whole 'I'm not ready to be a father' thing when you're the one who wanted to date me and help raise my kid?" Mihee questioned.

"It's just an act. They would find it suspicious if I really was prepared."

"What if this was your kid? Would you act the same way?"

Yoongi nodded, "Yes, I would. I'd still wanna be its father but I wouldn't let them know. Anyway, why does it matter? We're dating. That kid isn't mine. But I'm going to be his father figure."

Mihee calmed down, "Alright..."

Yoongi smiled and sat next to Mihee, kissing her cheek, "We're in this together."

"Are we going to lie to it? Tell it that you're it's biological father?" Mihee asked.

"If that's what you want."

"It's what I want."

"Then yes."


A month had passed, everything was going fine.

Except for Mihee's eating.

"Come on, eat." Yoongi held up some ramen to her mouth.

Mihee shook her head, "I don't want to. It makes me throw up. The medicine doesn't work."

"It's better then not eating at all. Now come on. The baby will be hurt."

"So?" Mihee shrugged.

"What do you mean 'so'?" Yoongi scoffed.

"It's not your baby. It's a mistake. Why does it matter." Mihee rolled her eyes, "I just want to have a normal college life."

"So you wouldn't mind if that baby died right now."

Mihee remained speechless.

Yoongi bit his lip, "Fine. I see you're way of thinking." He stood up and walked out of the dorm.

Yoongi decided to go to Jungkook's dorm to relax.

"Did you get in a fight with Mihee?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't think you could call that a fight." Yoongi sighed.

"What happened?"

"She said she didn't care about the baby and I got upset about it."

"Why? It's not even yours." Jungkook stated.

Yoongi sat up, "How'd you know?"

"What do you mean how do I know? I meant it's not your choice." Jungkook rose his eyebrow, "Are you hiding something?"


Yoongi was cut off by a phone call from Mihee, "Wait a sec." he answered it hastily, hoping nothing was wrong.

"Yoongi... hurry... up... I need to go to the hospital."

Yoongi's eyes widened and he hung up, "Forget this. I'll be back later."

"What's wrong?"

"I think there's something wrong with the baby."

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