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"Mihee. Don't you dare bail out. We came here so you could get help." Yoongi grabbed Mihee's wrist as she tried to run away before entering the hospital.

"I'm fine, okay? I don't need this." Mihee said, nervous.

"Hey guys." Taehyung said, walking up hand in hand with Rin.

"That was quick..." Yoongi stated, "Anyway, you can't go anywhere now! Ha! Taehyung, Rin, and I are here so it'll be a waste of time for us if you leave. I already told them about your situation by the way."

Mihee rolled her eyes, "Wow, thanks a lot for spreading a secret I tried to keep!"

"You obviously need help. You aren't forcing your self to puke like the normal bulimics. You can't keep down the food. There's obviously something wrong." Yoongi nagged.

He was right...

"Why do you even care?"

"Because I like- like helping people!" Yoongi stuttered and pulled Mihee into the hospital.

"Do we really need to be here?" Rin asked Taehyung.

"I don't think so."


After the doctor ran a few tests, Mihee and Yoongi waited in the waiting room.

"You don't seem to be the type to like helping people... and you said I'm different then other girls..." Mihee spoke up.

"Just shut up. I have a headache." Yoongi rubbed his temples.

The doctor came out and sighed, "It turns out your body got used to puking up food when you were actually bulimic... so now your body is having a heard time digesting the food... here's some medicine that should help." He handed Mihee the pills.

Mihee stood up and bowed, "Thank you."

After that, the two went to the dorm but that's when the dorm's president was there.

"Who's this?" He asked Yoongi, seeing Mihee in the boy's dorm.

"My girlfriend." He lied, wrapping an arm around Mihee's shoulder, "Last time I checked, we were allowed to have visitors."

"Another girlfriend." The guy scoffed, "Fine. But she needs to be out by 8." He said then walked away, letting you two walk into the dorm.

"He'll freak out when he finds out that I'm not your girlfriend and that I'm living here. We'd probably both be kicked out." Mihee sighed, taking a pill since she was ordered to by the doctor.

Yoongi sat at his desk and nodded, "But we could make you my girlfriend."

The short girl looked at Yoongi, oblivious of the fact she was blushing badly, "What?"

Yoongi blinked and red filled his face, "I-I was kidding." He chuckled, "Duh."

"Y-yeah. O-of course you were." Mihee said, "I, I think I'm going to go-" she opened the door, facing her mom and dad.

"What are you two doing here?"

"We went to your dorm and found out that you moved in with him." Mihee's mom, Myong Yehee said.

"Is that your boyfriend? Finally. We've been waiting for this day forever." Her dad, Myong Misun, stated.

Yoongi looked at Mihee, "Yes, I'm her boyfriend."

"Y-yeah. He is my boyfriend..." Mihee stuttered.

"I'm so happy!" Both her parents pulled her and Yoongi into a hug.


For about an hour, Mihee's parents were telling embarrassing childhood stories and showing embarrassing baby pictures of her to Yoongi.

That when Mihee had enough, "You know, I think it's time you guys look at the school's library."

"Oh. That's right. You do love reading and watching shows and movies." Yehee smiled, "Yet, You don't know why you want to be."

"Let's just go." Mihee forced them out and followed them, leaving Yoongi behind to process all the stories he was just told.

When Mihee came back, it was after her parents left.

"I'm sorry about that. Now you have to pretend to be my boyfriend and-"

Before she knew it, lips were on hers.

But not Yoongi's. Nor anyone she knew.

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