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Please check out my new Jungkook fanfiction, 'Homeless'

"Eomma! When is Appa coming back from work?" A little five year old boy tugged on Mihee's shirt as she was trying to write at her home work desk.

Mihee looked down at him and smiled, "When his new song gets approved of which should be soon, Junha."

Junha smiled, "Yay! I haven't seen him since this morning and I see you every day, all day."

"You like Appa better, don't you?" Mihee fake pouted.

"Yes. He has swag."

"Don't turn out to be like him when you're older, please." Mihee said.

"Why not? He's cool." Junha tilted his head as Mihee sat him on her lap.

"I'm glad you think that, and I think that too. But Appa used to have a side of him that I don't want you to be like."

"What was it?"

Before Mihee could say it was something for when he was older,Yoongi walked into the office room.

"Appa!" Junha jumped off Mihee's lap and ran to Yoongi.

"Hey. How's appa's little boy doing?" Yoongi picked up his son, "Ow, my back."

"You're such a grandpa." Mihee chuckled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "How is your movie screenwriting doing?"

"Good, I'm almost done. How is your song writing and producing doing?"

"Great. Just got the whole album for the band I produce for done." Yoongi smiled and sat down Junha.

"That's wonderful. Maybe you can spend more time at home for Junha, me, and the other kid."

"What other kid?" Yoongi's eyes widened, "Did I miss something?"

"No. Because I'm just now telling you."

Yoongi smile brightened, "Junha's going to be a big brother?"

Mihee nodded, "He did keep saying he wanted a sibling."

Yoongi looked at Junha who had a smirk on his face, "I knew before you, Appa."

Yoongi chuckled and went to hug Mihee, "You're such a great wife."

Mihee sighed and hugged her husband back,whispering in his ear, "This is what I get for being a Victim Of A Playboy."

The End
So please go check out 'Homeless' my new Jungkook fanfiction~ And I don't think they'll be a sequel to this.

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