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Mihee was spacing off in class the next day. Remembering what Yoongi had said the day before.

Why can't I be the father?

Mihee sighed, he really is a Playboy...


The whole day, Mihee couldn't stop thinking about Yoongi. It bothered her a bit. She knew too well that she never got rid of the crush on Yoongi, but it seemed more like a crush.

Rin ran up to Mihee after school and tapped her shoulder, "I heard you're pregnant with Yoongi's kid! I didn't even know you two were dating."

Again, Mihee couldn't tell the truth, "Well, surprised happen in life."

Mihee went to the dorm after talking to Rin for a little bit to rest. Even though she found out why she felt sick, it didn't mean she felt any better.

While she was resting and well... eating,hoping that her medicine would work; Yoongi came in with Hoseok and Jimin.

"Tell us the truth. Yoongi forced himself on you." Hoseok said to Mihee.

"I didn't do anything to her." Yoongi defended.

"Then how is she pregnant?" Jimin protested.

"Am I the only guy in her life? No. I don't know who did this to her, she never told me." Yoongi shrugged. At least he wasn't telling them what actually happened.

"Just admit it. She's been your target this whole time and now this happened. You actually got someone pregnant." Hoseok said.

"We knew it all along." Jimin clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Just leave." Yoongi forced the two out and locked his door.

"I'm not your target." Mihee stated right after they left.

"I know, I keep telling them that." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I'm your victim."


"A target... it's something that you want to achieve and get... something you try to aim for. But I'm not that... because you already won my heart over. So I'm your victim." Mihee explained, finally letting out the truth about her feelings.

"My Victim?"

Mihee nodded, "Victim of a fucking Playboy."

"You actually still like me and so I don't have to lie and say I'm kidding when I say stupid things like I wouldn't mind being your kid's father." Yoongi seemed stunned.

"You meant that?"

Yoongi nodded, "I even meant not minding to have a screenwriter as a wife... but I know we should date before marriage of course!"

Mihee couldn't help but chuckle, "Can you keep it a secret that I was well you know what? And instead, can you pretend to be the father?"

"Sure. I don't mind. But doesn't that mean I'm-"

"Dating me now? Yes it does." Mihee nodded, "If you want."

"I do want." Yoongi smiled, walking over to Mihee, "I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this now." He leaned closer, lips almost touching. Then he closed the gap.

Yoongi pulled away, "Do you mind?"

Mihee smiled widely, joy filling inside.

"No, I don't mind."
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Victim Of A Playboy |M.YG|#WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now