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Momoi's pov

I cried when I saw Al-chan sat on the hospital bed while looking outside the window as if she already know why we came, the news that Midori-kun send us last night was a huge shock to know that Al-chan's condition turned upside down just because of a camcer was too much of a shock to me that was enough for me to fear that she can die at anymoment.

"Alice, is it true?... is it true that you got a cancer?!"

Dai-chan shouted out of anger that made Al-chan somehow seemed shock for a second but smiled a second later as if she doesn't care about the cancer she had

"I guess all of you already heard about it"

"'I guess'? Alice its not something to joke around! How can you be so calm when you know you had a cancer?! Why didn't you tell us?!"

Tetsu-kun snapped only to shut his mouth when a tear escaped Al-chan's blood like orb

"Haha... its scary, just smilling was too much... Akashi-kun, Aomin-kun, Kuro-san, Mura-kun and Sat-chan... sorry, but its too cruel... why me? Why does it have to be me?! I hate it, its too scary... Reina already know about this but... its so scary"

I froze when for the first time I saw Al-chan cried and for the first time I know how much she feared death that seem to be an open door for her to come at anytime

"But... did you tell Ki-chan?"

I can feel Al-chan fell silent and for the first time she gave out the same air that Akshi-kun gave

"No, I don't want him to know... or either any of you to tell him, I've made a plan that might seem to work with an idiot"

She stated as her blood orb seem to show a mixed sadness and pain in it but disapeared with a cold and lifeless stare stared at the hospital bed

"I guess... I'll just do it, slowly and excitingly painful"

She mittered as her voice too seem to became monotone and cold as if I was looking at another person

"Al-chan... what are you thinking?"

"Nothing much but a sweet little push"

Al-chan said as she smiled lifelessly, she've changed in an instant that send shivers to me

Akashi's pov

Her dark side finnaly appeared, the cold and dangerous side of hers was much scary than her normal side which she've been using for a mask the past years I've known her. I know that she might break one day but I never know that she will break this much, I remember one day when we were kids she was having trouble with her tumour resulting her almost do something crazy and dangerous things for a few days before she finnaly get hold of herself

"Alice, don't do something reckless like before or you'll only regret it"

"I don't care, besides Akashi-kun... even if I do have something reckless in mind I think it won't be as bad as you think since.... I've decide to make that person to be happy"

Ryouta? Is she talking about Ryouta? But... he's already happy with her friend Yukimura Reina and what does she mean by making Ryouta happy? Unless...

"Don't think too much, its not something that's worth to think about"

She said with a smile before she got a hug from Atsushi who eat was eating his snack making the crumbs fell on Alice's hair but she didn't mind it instead she only hid her face on his arms

"Lisa-chin~ I don't want to loose Lisa-chin~ so... can you remove the cancer~?"

Alice chuckled at Atsushi's  statement while the others and I too chuckled at his weird statement

"Its impossible Mura-kun, but... I do wish it would disapear"


Midorima's pov

I sighed as I saw Takao and the others was having fun with a certain snow hair and ofcourse it seems that her cousin Suzuhara Shizuku is also with them, I know some of Sonohara's cousins but I can't realy help but to keep distance with them since they have different personalities almost too unique for me to join in

"Ice, you should realy go back to your school if you realy miss your friends and stuffs since its almost 3 whole weeks you didn't go back to school just because of your... cancer"

Suzuhara said as she muttered her last sentence which made the senpais and Takao's eyes widened in pure shock while Sonohara looked down

"...I ...I don't feel like going back to Kanagawa.."

"But that means you'll never-"

"I know... but I'm a cruel person so I can't help but to stay here for a little longer"

Sonohara said with her ususal fake smile as she laughed awkwardly before her expression turned painfull and lifeless while looking down to the ground

"Sonohara! Why are you here nanodayo?!"

I shouted making her expression change in an instant, she hid behind Ootsubo-san since she was 179 cm tall but nothenless I didn't care and drag her out

Shizuku's pov

I know he liked her but I can't help but to love him, I know its futile to make him fell for me because I'm not someone that was as strong as Alice and not so smart like she is despise her weak body. I followed the two out from the gym only to listen to their conversation

"Why did you go out from the hospital?! Dad told you to stay in the hospital so you might get better!"

"Then are you telling me to wait until I might get cured just by sitting on the hospital bed? I know its futile so I went out... I never once heard someone live from a cancer, I always wonder why did you care for me this much? Its not like you love me or-"

"I do like you"

I can feel my heart was stabbed with thorns as I ran away from the scene not wanting to listen anything more than I shouldn't do

"I know... but it hurts so much, Midorima-kun... I love you..."

unbearable feelings (a kuroko no basket fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now