Hey guys it's abbi before you start reading you need to know a few things. Basically Haven is 17 and Michael is 19 I changed it so it would fit the story better. The boys are just starting out as a small garage band so there's also that. Anyways I think that's about it so just know if you think something is a mistake I more than likely changed it just a little to help fit the story better so please enjoy! Thanks lovelys!!!

Haven's POV

I looked at my body in the mirror of the bathroom. I absolutely loved my swimsuit it was a high wasted two piece and was a beautiful teal color which fit my pale skin tone well. Unfortunately, my swimsuit was the only thing on my body that I liked. I was self conscious about my breasts because they were 2 times bigger than most girls my age. I wasn't skinny and I wasn't fat but I wouldn't call myself curvy either because in all honesty I hated the way my body was shaped. There were scars running up both of my arms, thighs, and hips. I sighed and traced them with my finger. Another reason I was self conscious. Of course though none of them were fresh they were all old. I am 9 months clean and couldn't be prouder of myself.

I sat down on the floor of the stall and leaned against the wall taking deep breaths. It was sunny and beautiful outside a perfect day to be at the beach and here I was sitting in the bathroom instead of out there enjoying the ocean and the sand between my toes.
I came here telling myself that I didn't care what anyone thought about my body and that I was going to have a great time and hopefully meet some new friends but the more I looked at myself the less I believed that.
You know what?
Screw it.
I didn't run away for nothing.
I stood up and dusted myself off. I was going out there and I was going to have a great day.

I took a deep breath and before I could change my mind grabbed my stuff and walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as my feet hit the sand I instantly felt better. I looked out in front of me and took everything in. The ocean was absolutely beautiful. There were people everyone but no one seemed to notice me and I smiled at that hoping that they wouldn't.
I put my stuff safely away in my locker and locked my lock. I didn't have much money in my bag but I still needed it and didn't want anyone to take it.
I stood up and looked around once again looking for something to do.
I looked to my right and saw some girls playing a game of volleyball. I wasn't the best at it but I was pretty decent and really competitive. So I walked over to them and stood by the side waiting for them to finish the game.
As I was waiting one of the girls looked over and saw me standing there. She smiled and so did I. Then before I knew it the ball was coming for me so I did the only thing I knew to do, I hit it.
It flew over the net and no one was expecting it so that meant a point to the other team.

The girl who smiled at me laughed at ran up to me.
"Hey your pretty good." She said. I smiled and shrugged expecting her to stare at my scars but she kept her eyes locked on mine.

"You wanna play with us?" She asked looking over her shoulder at the two other girls behind us. "We're getting stomped."

I couldn't help but notice her Australian accent and I loved it.
I smiled at her, "Sure I would love to play."

Her smile grew and she turned around to the others.
"Girls we have a new player!" She yelled.

They all ran over to greet me.
"Oh by the way my name is Sunny." The girl said realizing she hadn't told me.

I stuck my hand out to shake hers. "I'm Haven. Nice to meet you."
She smiled and nodded then skipped back over to the net.

I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. Her brown hair hung over her shoulders in beautiful beach waves. She was also really tan I could tell she came here often.

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